CHAPTER 1: School Lockdown

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In the city of Inanimatica, two friends, a wholesome Inkwell and a sometimes bossy Scroll are just trying to finish school in a big city and get their own jobs. One answers their assignments and does their projects consistently, while the other lazes around and lets her friend do her work. But no matter what happens, these two are inseparable.

One day at Quill Academy, the school where Inkwell and Scroll study, just finished a class and now it's lunch time, but the bored Inkwell fell asleep during class and is completely unaware that it's lunch time. They had an illusion, a dream, something that they did not understand. Scroll tried to wake them up.

Scroll: Hello? Inky? Earth to Inky! Hello?

When Inkwell woke up, the first thing they saw was Scroll in front of them. Suddenly upon openening their eyes, Scroll screamed at them.


[Note that Inkwell speaks telepathically]

Inkwell: Uh, huh?

Scroll: PROFESSOR CHALK JUST GAVE US STUDENTS 5 PAGES OF HOMEWORK. How are we supposed to do our daily after class routine? This'll take forever!

Inkwell: Ah. Don't worry about it. I know math is like, really hard. But if we focus, I know we'll finish our homework in no time and do our daily after class routine!

Scroll: Hah! You're such a positive lil' glass of ink! Well anyways, it's lunchtime and we're supposed to be at the canteen by now.

The two then took their money and headed over to the canteen to get their food. It was a long line so it took a while for them to buy their tray of food but in the end, they sat down on their spot in the canteen. Another friend of Scroll, Popcorn, joined the two in eating.

Scroll: Popcorn! You're a little late, and you seem to be a bit happier than usual. What's poppin'? Hehe, get it?

Popcorn: You guys won't believe it!

Inkwell: What happened?

Popcorn: Last week, me and my family just visited another country and met my niece who lives there! We also went to other places in the said country, oh wow! I will never forget about that memorable moment.

Scroll: Wow! That's great, Poppy! I'm glad you're feeling happy about that!

Scroll: Inky, why can't you be more like Poppy?

Inkwell is seen eating their food, seemingly not paying attention to what Popcorn is talking about.

Inkwell: Oh, uh... what? Uhm, well I'm glad you're feeling that way too I guess.

Scroll: Anyways, Inkwell and I are going to play a cool and mysterious video game that someone in a dark alley, vandalizing some walls, told us about after doing our homework. Wanna join us later?

Popcorn: Ooh! Sure! Is it a scary one?

Scroll: Oh, I wish! All we know is that it's titled "Object Memories". Well I mean, just by hearing the title, it seems to be like a horror game.

Inkwell: It sounds like more of a tragedy game to me.

Scroll: Fair point.

Popcorn: Sounds interesting! I'm in!

Scroll: Oh right, that person told me that it's a two player game so... How about you just... watch?

Popcorn: Sure! I can just watch you two play the game, it's no big deal. After all, that's my specialty!

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