CHAPTER 5.2: Headphones

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At Quill Academy, there are the three gender siblings, Male, Female, and Nonbinary. Like Scroll and Inkwell, they are now in college. The three appeared to have taken the course of engineering.

Prof. Safety Helmet: Alright class! That's all for today, thank you for listening. But now let me discuss your yearly project. Group yourselves into three members and once everyone has done that, I'll discuss the instructions.

The siblings looked at each other with a scheming smile. Female and Nonbinary ran towards Male's desk.


Prof. Safety Helmet: Alright, everyone has their groups? Yes? Alright then let me explain your project. So for this project, you have to build a robot with the appearance of our species. Objects, tools, you name it. You have a whole month to finish creating and testing your robot cuz you'll also be presenting your robot in front of the class. You may now discuss how your robot will be. I'll give you 5 minutes. 5 minutes starts... now!

The gender siblings gathered in a form of a circle.

Male: Alright, we should make a robot in the form of an Air Conditioner! Look, I even made a sketch about him!

Female: No! We should make it in the form of a Refrigerator! (pulls out a paper and draws hastily) This is what she'll look like!

Male: But she's too big to even fit in the room! So I say an Air Conditioner!

Female: Why? Are we making a giga-sized one? I say Refrigerator!

Male and Female started to argue on what to create between an Air Conditioner or a Refrigerator.

Male: Aircon!

Female: Fridge!

Male: Aircon!

Female: Fridge!

Nonbinary: Uhh, guys?

The two continue to fight while Nonbinary tries to stop them. Nonbinary then gets really irritated and shouts out loud.


Male and Female stopped but the rest of class also stared at Nonbinary. Embarrassed, they look away from the eyes of their classmates.

Prof. Safety Helmet: What was that for?

Nonbinary: S-Sorry professor... My siblings were fighting. I- I have to stop them.

Prof. Safety Helmet: It's alright. Just please, do not do that again. Report it to me if anything wrong is happening.

The class then continued to discuss what to do as if nothing happened.

Male: Alright, Nonbinary. Listen to me, I think we should make an Aircon!

Female: No! Nonbinary should listen to me! I think we should make a Fridge!

Male: No, me!

Female: NOT YOU, ME!!

Nonbinary: How about Headphones?

Male and Female stopped screaming at each other and looked at Nonbinary with their jaws dropped and their eyes widening and sparkling.

Male: Oh my goodness! You're a genius, Nonbinary!

Female: Yeah! Screw Refrigerator man! Let's go with Headphones!

Male and Female then suddenly started chanting Nonbinary's name, which is making them a little uncomfortable.

Nonbinary: Alright alright settle down sibs. So we're locking in Headphones as our final answer?

Female: Yeah, totally!

Male: Mhm, definitely!

Nonbinary: Alrighty! Let's get help from zaza [Androgyne is their parent] for our project! They said they experienced building robots before.



Headphones peeks outside of the storage room inside of the genders' house, eavesdropping on a conversation.

Female: But addy! We worked so hard to create Headphones! We can't just throw her away!

Headphones (inside the storage room): W-What? They'll throw me away...?

Androgyne: I'm really sorry children but... It has to be done. Our house is being filled up with dust from the storage room and if Headphones come out, this house is getting extra dusty.

Male: Then why can't we just- keep it in our closet?

Androgyne: He's too large to fit in there. Besides, he's only for a school project. You don't need him anymore.

Nonbinary: That's... not true, zaza.

Male: Yeah! How dare you think that Headphones is just merely for a school project, mapa? He's our friend!

Female: Addy...

Androgyne: Alright that's enough! You can't befriend a robot, Male! How about this? We don't throw Headphones straight into the dumpster, but we'll just keep them inside the attic and you interact with them there.

Nonbinary: Yeah, I think that would be better. Thanks, za.

Headphones backed away from the door and turned around. She looks unsure about this and feels a bit... paranoid. What they never know about Headphones is that he is sentient. They were more than just a robot, more than just a school project.

Headphones: Eheh... uh... Hopefully that said attic wouldn't be like this storage room. I wouldn't want to turn into my other side and... attack them.

Suddenly, Headphones heard a voice not too far from her.

???: Are you feeling lost?

Headphones: (gasp)

Headphones turned around and saw himself in a white void with another object with them, an Eye Patch.

Eye Patch: Are you sure you want to keep trusting them?

Headphones: What...? W-Who are you?!

Eye Patch: No one important. But take this as a warning. Soon, the siblings will forget about you and Andro will sell you out to YouTube. You better take action before-

Headphones: What?! That will never happen! The genders love me! They will never forget about me!

Eye Patch: How about you just stop being delusional and go on with the truth.

Eye Patch walks closer towards Headphones.

Eye Patch: Cause in the end, you'll blame yourself for letting this happen.

The illusion stops and Headphones drop onto the ground. That couldn't be real, right? Eye Patch is just lying, right? None of that can be real, none of it! Male, Female, Nonbinary, and Androgyne, together they created Headphones with their heart and soul. They couldn't just forget about them and then sell her out to YouTube as if Headphones is just some sort of trading tool. Headphones crawled towards the corner of the room and lied down.

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