CHAPTER ?: Arcadia

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Pickaxe opened her eyes, finding herself lying down on a grassy field with Umbrella, who appears to be closed and still sleeping. She tries to wake her up by rolling her but Umbrella seems to not respond. While Pickaxe was thinking of a way to wake Umbrella up, she was interrupted by a group of people she could see in the distance and those people were heading towards her direction.

In the forest...

There are three people walking towards the large field in the distance.

Search Bar: So, has your brother come back yet?

Click: No.

Lavender: Well, I sure do wonder what's taking him so long.


Cursor is inside a yellowish city, looking for something while there's cartoon Bendy helping him. Cursor stops moving and starts to wonder...

Cursor: Man, I sure do wonder how Click is doing. Hope he's safe.


Click: I'm sure he's doing fine.

The three then eventually reach the forest's open field. There they spotted Pickaxe and Umbrella and to their surprise, they ran towards them.

Lavender: What the- why did you two come back here? The corruption is still happening.

Pickaxe: Pickaxe doesn't know. Pickaxe remembered entering a white door and led Pickaxe and Umbrella here.

All four look at Umbrella, still closed and lying unconscious.

Pickaxe: Pickaxe tried to wake her up, but she won't respond.

Search Bar: Then... try swinging into her?

Click: Link! Are you out of your mind?? That'll kill her!

Pickaxe: Anyways, if the corruption is still here... how is this place unaffected?

Lavender: I set a barrier around it. Credits go to Wi-Fi Router, he owns this technology (pulls out a button).

Pickaxe looks up to see that the sky has some of those glowing nets that computers have. That must be the barrier.

Pickaxe: Ah. Well, think it'll hold the Inkfection?

Lavender: Oh, I wish.

Pickaxe: This is Arcadia right?

Click: Obviously, what do you think?

Pickaxe: Anyways, we should try to wake Umbrella up. She's already like this for a few minutes.

Lavender has an idea and grabs Umbrella then she starts shaking her violently.

Lavender: UMBRYYYY!! WAKE THE FRICK UP! YOU'RE BACK IN ARCADIA, GIRL! (stops shaking her) Well, that didn't work.

Search Bar: Should we call an ambulance?

Click: Can't do that, they're all probably inked. Other than that, they can't enter the barrier.

Lavender: Only if Scroll was here. I don't even understand how she manages to fix Umbrella after her being found all wrecked.

Pickaxe just realized something then she glanced around her, looking for something or someone. She looked back to the three and asked...

Pickaxe: Wait- how about Mirror?

Lavender: Who?

Click: She's probably talking about Spirit.

Lavender: Well, no idea.

Search Bar: Lavender! Did you not bring the mini Mirror with you?!

Lavender: Sorry, I forgot! What's the big deal anyway?

Click: Tsk tsk tsk. Of course you don't know what will happen if they got inkfected.

Lavender did not respond and just silently stared at them, terrified, while the two stared at Lavender with disappointed faces.

Pickaxe: Well, it's too late. Can't risk getting past the barrier.

Everyone went silent. The three sat down on the grass and after a few seconds, Lavender broke the silence with another question that had been going around her head.

Lavender: Also, where's Ñ?

Click: I remember them pulling out this card thingy in front of me then he suddenly disappeared.

Lavender: Huh? I thought she said they lost his cards. Hmph, what a liar!

Pickaxe: Uhm... Should we go try and wake Umbrella up?

Click: Eh, she'll wake up eventually.


Umbrella walks through a dark field full of thorns. She was all scarred from the thorns that poked and scratched her. After a long walk (she's actually just floating-) from the thorny forest, she found a glitchy black rectangle. Past the black rectangle is just black mist that she dare not go into. She goes near the black square and-

Signal interrupted.

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