CHAPTER 5: Memory Synchronization (PART 2)

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In an endless yet calming space, Umbrella finds herself alone in the area. She tried to call for someone, yet nobody came, not until suddenly a silhouette of Four appeared in front of her and slowly made an appearance.

Umbrella: What are you doing here?

Four did not respond and continued to give Umbrella a death stare, which of course, made her a bit uncomfortable.

Umbrella: Why are you here? What do you want now, huh? You're going to attack me again, aren't you? Then come on! Do it! I don't care.

Four still remained silent. They stare at each other for a few seconds then Four decided to speak up.

Four: You're just a sick, pathetic liar.

Umbrella: Whuh?!

Four: You're literally worse than Two. I wish I never met you.

Umbrella: Well you can't change the past, can you? You're just a ghost! You are no longer omnipotent.

Four: You made me think that I was doing what I wanted, like I was heard. Sigh... I thought I gained a friend. Turns out, I gained nothing.

Four disappears to thin air, and with his words, it left Umbrella guilty yet she still grew hatred towards them.

Umbrella: Ahaha... You've gotta be kidding, right? It surely could've been nothing, right?! Where am I even? WHAT DID YOU TO ME YOU MONSTER?!!

Umbrella starts to bleed out and thorns start to grow out of her body while she screams in pain and anger. She then looks at her left where there's a silhouette of X, seemingly not taking form at all.

Umbrella: And you even used your rotten heart to make a friend. YET YOU WANT MORE?!

X then eventually took form, having a down yet calm face. But this just angers Umbrella even more as she starts to snarl and give X a deadly look.

X: I should have realized sooner, vicious Umbrella. A bad idea that has to end somehow.


Umbrella charges towards X but he just also disperses into thin air, flinging Umbrella away and landing on the ground, refusing to get up.


Back in Inanimatica, Charger, Syringe, Shoe, and 3 other objects are on top of a building while a large flood of ink with its victims surrounds them from below. Bryce, as someone who came from another dimension, is not a doubt, beyond flabbergasted, of what he is seeing right now.

Confetti Ball [Bryce]: Oh my god... What the hell happened here?!

Shoe: Well artistically speaking, the infamous animation company, Artist's Tower, owned by the object named Film Strip, is turning this city into a large pile of ink where touching the ink will turn you into one of them. Although it is not Mr. Film's fault that this chaos happened but it is in fact caused by his deranged good-for-nothing employee, Torch.

Upper: Oh no! That can't be good! We must stop this immediately!

Upper looks behind him, only being Radioactive with them. Someone is missing.

Upper: Wait, where's the other three? The ink bottle, the Scroll, and that Popcorn container?

Lower: They're probably dead so quit worrying!

Upper: Hey!

Syringe: Alright stop fighting. You three and Charger, stay here. Shoe and I will go investigate what's inside the Artist's Tower.

Memory SynchronizationWhere stories live. Discover now