chapter 4. A Better Me

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I apologize I didn't give you enough to have faith in me.

If I have disappointed you I am sorry.

I apologize If I have let you down.

I am sorry if I have embarrassed you.

No excuses.

I will resign any further efforts if you ask me too.

You were the first of 3 so 2 are due.

Your plate is full and I respect that.

Open up wide and deep so you can get to that real real meat.

You are better than me there for sure!

I can't wait to catch your speech!

I want to heal!

I want to feel!

I am a daily work in process.

On what a better man means.

I want to be that better man.

That better man inside of me.

What is that better man?

Who defines that man I desire to see?

I define that better man!

Problems I run across and problems in the way.

There is no better man module, book, school, or place! 




Do I  learn my better man to be?

I think it starts with me being free!

I know of no one that has been born free.

Yeah managed from birth through 18!

We think?

We think we know what freedom is and yet no one and I mean no one on this earth has been born free!

Left to make our own choices?

Provided the ability!

To live, eat, and see all this world has to offer a man struggling.

A man like me navigating my way to Freedom and the Free state of being that awaits our today.

I want to heal!

I want to feel!

That man inside of me.

That man I desire to be.

That man who Is free!

Let me heal and feel that free man in me!

A new world today!

A free man walking this world today!

No lies in my way!

Lifting up anyone and everyone who crosses my day.

Love is my freedom as I define the me I want to be.

To push this world along we must get strong.

Freedom is at our door!

Knock knock!

Ding dong!

Open up!

Get strong!

It's gonna take me and you all day long!

A new world awaits and we can't hesitate!

It's been there all along!

Throw down that plate of hate!


We got to let it go!

The world is knocking,

Freedom in tow.


Yeah Freedom!

Let's go!

I want to heal!

I want to feel!

That man inside of me!

That man I desire to be!

That man who Is free!

Let me heal and feel that free man in me.




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