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You are a Superhero to me Dave Chappelle!

If I should dine tonight with Dave Chappelle!

"Hey Dave Chappelle!

What do I call you?

I mean what do you like to be called?

Scratch that!

What do you like to be called in front of your kids?

Please understand!

I am a man!

Went through his ascension!



So if I sat across the table from you! 

If I should be so fortunate!

You must know!

You must know!

You Broke out bro!

Look at you now though! 

You are Dave Chappelle!


You are that man! 

You took your stand!

Tempted and tried! 

You woke up alive!

You made it through your passage!

Your journey!


Such a man standing! 

A master of his creative!

Breakthrough made it!

Didn't it!

Dave Chappelle! 

Please tell! 

Yes please tell me!

Ascending rapidly! 

What is happening!

I know you know so why wouldn't I?

I want Dave Chappelle to help me through this!

I watch his magic!

Ali on TV is He!

Muhammad ALI! 

Yes on the TV!

Dave Chappelle!  

Let's get dinner!

You buy so I can get thinner!

Just kidding! 

You buy because you are rich! 

If I had a dollar! I won't lie! 

I would have other expenses!  

But there will be a day soon! 

Where I will get my millions! 

I hear they are near! 

Dave Chappelle!

Have no fear! 

Dinner will be here soon! 

I will buy! 

All jokes aside!

Dave Chappelle! 

Came alive!

Amazing from day one on TV! 

Uh oh!

Here comes ALI,!

They wanted your Eternity! 

Dave Chappelle! 

I consider you family!

Gifted, Giver, sacrificed sinner!

Did you guess right?

Just knew you were alive?


Comedy like yours is methodical and logical!  Long game plan from a funny man! They never saw it coming! Did they. Lol. Did they?  


Dave Chappelle! .

I can't wait for dinner! 

So hurry up please! 

Until then My Dave Chappelle dinner is making me thinner!

Thank you Dave Chappelle!

You are a SuperHero!

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