chapter 7. Loving Me!

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World see me now! 

My stride hitting the streets. 

All Healthy.

Standing over 6 feet.

2 inches away from making my stay over 6 feet down the other way. 

2 inches away!

So many times I am embarrassed to say. 

2 inches away like it is my life to just give away! 

Why am I here?

What can I say? 

Am I two inches away from a permanent 6 ft under stay?

I mean let’s walk through this play!




I fall down!

I stumble, crumble, cry, scream, or fry?

I know!

I drown!

I die! 

I soar up!

Through the sky!

The light I see looks like it’s calling me!

I fly to that glowing light in the sky.  

I land!

I am dreaming?

Standing there before me. 

Is the One!

The one who adores me! 

Smile across whole face.

Bright lights!

Bright Lights!

Standing so tall!

I stare in awe. 

Huge Pearly Gates!

A voice so calm and sweet.

I feel like I am home. 

Looking at me!

Yeah, kind of a stare!

Not a glare!

More like care!

Yeah, a caring stare!  

A caring stare like he chose me?

Like I was late for a scheduled date. 

I had to speak.

Not freak!

You know?

Deep breath. 

Find my strong!

Don’t want to ramble on!   

Some say I ramble on but not in this song.

Uh, uh, not in this song. 

Simply, “Hi” I say.

Looking down “oh no, my dog got away!?”

“Have no fear”, I hear.

All smiles just standing there!

“Have no fear you say?” 


“Have you seen my dog….Finn?

He never runs away!”

“Son, your dog is on stand by! 

Ready to play!” 

“I wanted to meet you and say.”

“Look at your life.

Look to the beginning.

Your roots!

As far as you can walk please walk with me”. 

Filled with trust all put before me!

“Where are we going?”

Commanding voice booms…. suddenly!

“We are on a journey to benefit you….and me.

You see!

I hear you son.

Every day, most mornings, and  several nights a week.

I listen.

I hear you ask for me.

I hear every word you speak. 

I hear you calling me.

Ring, Ring, Ring!

All day long!


Seeking to better your wrongs.  

Let me say!

I see you yet you can’t seem to find love for a man that I find kind…

All heart from the start.  

It’s not your time Son. 

It’s just not your time.  

This journey is between me and you.  

If you accept choose Red or Blue? 

Actually choose Blue. It is right for you”

“Blue for me?” 

“Yes, and you will see the Love from me.

Sitting there!


All along….

Even as you write this song! 

Yeah, even as you write this song.

The Love I have for you only grows strong. 

Every stride I see you take. 

Every street under your feet.

Every day I hear you calling. 

Thinking you are all wrong. 

Weak not Strong!

I Love you so much!

How can a man be so wrong!


He calls wanting to not do wrong. 

Heart inside you.

I am beside you. 

Your worry is killing life’s song. 

Take a breath!

Look in the mirror!

Standing over 6 ft tall. 

Standing for any and all.  

Loves fierce without Question. 

One suggestion.  

The Love I gave you lives inside you. 

Do not deny me. 

Take a ride with me.  

A journey.  

Walk without fear. 

I am here.  

You and me connected eternity.  

Purity is our seek. 

Humble and meek. 

Turning both cheeks. 

Stage complete."

"Loving Me!"

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