chapter 8. LOL

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I keep moving. 

I keep moving and grooving. 

No one and no place.

Seem worthy of grace.

I'm an outsider by choice. 

Living real and Loving me is the me that I choose and strive everyday to be!



Don't go away!

I worked so hard to get to this place. 

Happy and Loving!

No more wanting!

No whispers but a roar of choice.

1 expectation from others while they crawl.  

Stand Tall!

Don't Fall!

Hard work to find this place.  

My apologies when I say.

Go away!

I'm Dancing in the streets!

Nice, Kind, Meek to all those first meets. 

Dancing in the store.

Looking for more. 

Vibration and frequency raised up! 

The attention I seek is not from you freaky dancing next to me. 

I cannot help that the me you see makes you want more from life's store.  

I can't help that the Happy in me affects you negatively. 

Turn away and run for the more. 

I'm closing the door. 

Moving and grooving the narrow streets until I score. 

One more!

Throwing grace!

Love speak!

Yes I am dancing on these streets!

Another look and maybe you will see. 

That is me!


Dancing my way!

On your Highway! 

I am in your backyard. 

Front yard! 

No,  I am in the Kitchen as you open your front door!

Here me roar!

That's a Happy, Caring and Loving Roar. 

No one said love is easy as you run out for more.

Love comes with sacrifice. 

That's the bite!

Love and Sacrifice!

They come together!

Positive and Negative!

Humans lost in their own way! 

Creed gone!

Greed strong!

Forgetting all along! 

Positive and Negative make a pair indeed.  

Come together!


Every action and every need!

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