chapter 17. "Am chofshi be'artsénoe"

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"Am chofshi be'artsénoe"

"a free people in our country"....




This day as I move forward!

All the negative.

All the low frequencies!

Yeah I release all low vibrations and frequencies!

I have climbed up high!



So high am I!

A good kind of high!

No drugs, lust, envy in sight!

No harm, strife, or gluttony to bind!

No quick ways for me!

Cannot steal my way to any good frequencies!

No more! Contracts for me!

No more! Contracts for me!

No more! Contracts for me!

Attained the path which I seek!

Higher now in frequency!

I am all serious!

Focused and driven!

Long path!

Earned not given!

Many achievements!

Gifted, given and frequency driven.

Infinite knowledge leads my way!

Perspective is my base!

Now I can fly like an Ace!

Ascension is Freedom You All!

Makes me stopped in awe!

No more crawl!

I fly high now!

That is all!

Ascending to enlightenment!

5D looks like a new stop for me!




All that have and has harmed me!

All that did me wrong!

So many!

So many wrongs!

Wrongs, wronged, and wrong!

Not in this song!

I release you!

Your gone!

Father of Love!

My Father!

My God!

My Source!

My Light!

My Sun!

Your Son!

I thank you for your kindness.

I thank you for your patience.

I thank you for your wisdom.

I thank you for your spirit.

I thank you for Jesus!

I thank you for all Angels!

Provided and afforded me!

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