chapter 15. Dear Society!

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Dear Society,

We the People!

We the People!

Standing Together!

As we weather.

The few of our land!

Breaking our Stand!



Searching for Crumbs?

40% poverty rate sold to all.

Real rate 90%.

My Call!

Incarcerated trampled upon!

Dehumanized and traumatized!

Is that who we are?

The people I meet.

I meet all that pass my feet.

So many meets!

Good people.




Looked down upon!

Less than We!

Not in my song!

Disagree with me!

I don't care .

You are wrong!

This is my song!

Non violent offenders behind bars?

No one questions?

Private jails and Prisons?

Money, Money, and Money afflicted!

Riding on our backs!

Laughing and Laundering!

Ding Dong!

Ring, Ring!

They Trampling!

My brother's and sisters!

Get with my perspective!

You will see!

Everyone says leave it alone.

Do not cause problems.

Tennnnnnnnnn "Whats"

I give.

Yeah I am that strong!

I say no more!

The Few define whore.


Time to even the score.

Let Justice come down!

As we take back the Crown!

We the People!

We the People!

Standing Together!

As we weather!

The few of our land!

Breaking our Stand!

Prisons and Jails!

85% African American, 18-25 male?

What more do I need to write or sing when B+ is the grade you bring?

Not Guilty!

Not Guilty!

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