Balls down South! west?

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Fell asleep!

I just got up!

I thought I would write to you, Davey!

We have been through a lot!

Yes, we are living our way to Eternity!

Wake up Dave Chappelle!

No wake up!

Grab the spaceships,!

Imagine and Let it be!

I got my sword!

Superman is on board!

He even has a sword!

Yes, The Ace, Davey, and Superman Sword!

I took that sword from Lucifer's cold bones! 

Broke it half!

Then made 2!

One for Davey too!

Now we use them!

To poke them!

Doesn't matter!

They turn blue!

Imagine and Let it be!.

We on our way, Davey!

We are on our way!

"Call is Down South!"

That's what you said!

During our contest!

You won by the way!.

A bit creepy too!

I must say! 

I liked it!

A little dramatic!

Probably why I liked it!

Davey, you make me laugh from all your efforts.

A good laugh, Davey!

Like, that's my guy!

So park the spaceships in Arizona! 

We got a Maricopa!

"That's a county!"

Yes, Davey!

It is also a good dance now! 

So let's park!

Get out!

Work out magic!

Yeah Davey!

We are gonna make a gravy!

Beat it!

Then we.gonna eat it!.

Dance it off!

2 steps left and 1 step forward!

Throw in a cha cha!

Now we doing!

The Maricopa!

Ace, Davey/Superman!


The Maricopa!

When we finish!

We will be famished!

Fly our spaceships!

To a lower court!

Not our Father's Court!

You know Davey!

They really messed up on this one!

Supreme Court!

Says it all!.

False Prophets in Courts!

Serving no one!

We are going to fly our Spaceships!

Call all of our family!

They will want to go!

We need them!

Let's get them!

Fly our spaceships!

To the Supreme Courts!

Educate them!

No more!

No more!

No more!

Then we finally eat dinner!

You buy!


I am sorry!

I forgot my wallet!

I brought the sword instead!

I will get next time!


Date Number 8!

It lies ahead!

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