Chapter 41

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I shouldn't have left.

I told Set I understood that me being up and out in the open would be more of a hindrance then a help, that he'd be distracted worrying about me. And let's be honest here, I'm a coward. The second that boat shook, I was suddenly too afraid to move.

Set left and my heart leapt into my throat, but it wasn't until all the chaos began that I really lost it. I could hear everything, I could feel the boat shaking and creaking, groaning against every hit. I could almost see it playing out in my mind, the great snake's body constricting around the boat, trying to stop it from moving, trying to crush it into a million pieces.

I could picture Ra and Set trying to steer and fight at the same time. I could picture them struggling against something so much bigger them. I could picture Set being swallowed whole, pointy horns on his helmet and all.

There was shouting, she could easily pick out the distinct timber of both men's voices, or at least she could, for a little while anyway. Now I could only hear Ra's voice.

He was still barking order at Set, cause he kept calling him boy. Not son, not by his name, just boy. But I couldn't hear Set anymore and that was upsetting me.

I kept wondering if he was injured, something had to be wrong if I couldn't hear him anymore. And that was what spurred me forward.

Stupid, silly, small me, in armour way too big and a spear I could barely lift, made my way out of that room he had stashed me in and up above. This was hard, like a ship in a stormy sea I was pitching back and forth with each movement.

Just getting to the outside was harrowing, I lost my footing and almost tumbled over board, the only thing that stopped me was that I had slammed into a massive scaled side.

Apophis really had wrapped himself around the boat, and judging by the size of the body I had just slammed into somewhere around the midsection.

I stumbled back with the next pitch and almost lost the spear. The next pitch slammed be back into the railing. Honestly I'm surprised I haven't just hit the ground, and for a minute I wonder if it might be easier to crawl my way up there.

I'm definitely getting motion sick from all the movement.

But then I hear another shout from Ra.

"By the gods boy stop wrestling and cause some real damage!"

Another mental image flashed before my eyes. My tiny, person sized Set wrestling with the head of this massive beast. He couldn't possibly be winning, why wasn't Ra more concerned about hi son?

But it was what I needed to really spur me forward but even then it took all my willpower and strength to make it up the bow.

I found Ra at the helm struggling with all his might to keep it steady. Shouting all sorts of instructions at what I was assuming was Set except for that he was in a form I had never seen him in before.

He had to be roughly the size of a house too, like absolutely massive. Not Apophis massive but large enough to be causing him damage.

This form was canine looking. It had a tale that split in two at the ends, he was all black with a skeletal look to him, like he was fragile but anything but. His fur, scraggly and not covering him entirely was black, those his underbelly was red. His horns, the ones his helmet was based off, were not actually horns, but ears. Though instead of pointed they seemed to be more flat, again just like his horns. Though the tip of his nose was not a nose but the point of a bone I didn't recognize, the rest of his mouth was fleshy and pointed. She could see rows upon rows of teeth sunk into Apophis' neck.

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