Chapter 6

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I'm grumpy.

This is obvious.

Being awoken at the crack of fucking dawn by a million alarms ringing in my ear had not made for a fun morning. Robin said it was worse as the alarms were attached to her goddamn head, but it was her head that set the alarms off so she had no right to complain.

Especially since she refused to say what it was that had happened in her dream to set her off. She said she had a nightmare. She was lying. I knew she was lying and I assumed that when Jack was done questioning her, she'd tell me what it really was because we were best friends who told each other everything.

But then she didn't and now I was mad.

But she had been worried and though I was mad at her I still chose to go to the doctor just to calm her down. The idea was, I did something for her and she would do something for me. Namely telling me whatever it was she was hiding from me.

They take my blood, which makes me squeamish, not as squeamish as Robin who, though she's holding my hand, refuses to look in my direction until they're done. And then we sit back to see what my blood count is at to see what the lowest dose of chemo I could manage. Just enough to help me out, but not enough to really take out my hair yet.

"Nervous?" she asks me.

I stop tapping my fingers against the chair and turn to her. I spit out a confident: "No." But just like I know when Robin lies, she knows when I'm lying too.

Unlike me, though, Robin just smiles and says: "Wow you're so brave! I hate needles."

Sometimes I hate her mindless positivity, only because she's positive about all the wrong things. Ask her to be positive about herself, nope, not happening. But her ex-friend, close friend too, just announced that she was marrying Robin's ex, invited her to the wedding and everything and not only had Robin RSVPed, by herself, but sent them well wishes. And fucking meant them. Disgusting.

We sit and we wait for the results. They have their own facilities here, Jack mentioned that the test wouldn't take very long. He said we should be done by lunch. I was excited and trying not to show it cause Jack had kind of hinted that we were going to have lunch together.

I sort of wonder whether or not Robin will let me have lunch with him... you know... without her. I mean she totally one hundred percent would, but like... it'd be mean of me to do that. Especially when I know how she is around new people... which is nervous, which makes her awkward, which meant she wouldn't eat lunch, I'd have to bring it back to her.

Jack bursts into the waiting room and for a moment I'm excited, if only to get my results and get myself one step closer to lunch with him.

But when looks at the two of us like we're monsters, I'm suddenly worried again. And quite defensive.

"Just uh... wait here..." he said and then disappeared into the same room with the doctors.

"What do you think that was about," I ask her and Robin shrugs her shoulders.

It's another ten minutes before Jack comes out and calls us back into the room. His hands are on his hips as he stares at the ground in front of us. He clears his throat and looks back up to us.

"Is there anything you want to tell us?" he asks.

Robin and I exchange glances. "Uh no?" I answer for her "Robin? Anything?"

Robin shrugs casually and says the same but Jack doesn't believe us.

"Okay, well someone better tell me something, because a terminally ill woman just got miraculously cured overnight."

The Curse in Her BloodTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang