Chapter 1

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I don't know where they took Robin.

I'm in my own interrogation room. I don't know what building I'm in, I don't even know what city I'm in. I know Robin and I got transferred to four different vehicles, not that we could see because they had bags over our heads. Somewhere around the second vehicle they decided that Robin and I were too loud, or too sassy, or too annoying because they gagged us. This involved rolling the bag up so we got a view of metal truck beds and each other's shoes before it all went black again, and this time silent. But I could still sense Robin was there. I could feel her shifting and sometimes our feet would knock together and that made me feel better. After they pulled us out of the fourth vehicle Robin went missing. I could no longer feel her reassuring presence and the panic set in fully.

This was all my fault. If we somehow managed to get out of this I wouldn't hear the end of it until the day I died. And if we didn't get out of this, I wouldn't hear the end of it for the rest of my immortal afterlife.

The door opens and the guy from the tomb is there. He's still in his camo outfit but he's lost his hat. I can now see his face in the full light. He has a strong jawline and dishevelled shaggy black hair. He has olive skin and a frown on his thin lips. His nose is the perfect size, his face is nicely shaped and when he raises those caramel brown eyes up to me, I see that they're narrowed in a dangerous glare.

He is definitely not happy with me.

"I just came from talking to your friend..." he starts but I'm not having it.

"This is illegal, you know! We're Canadian citizens and we're ladies. You should be ashamed at the way you were treating us. You know if you had just told us that we needed to come with you to answer questions we would have gone. I mean, we're the victims here, that thing just climbed out of the ground and attacked us! It's not like we asked for it to happen!"

He's taken the seat across from me. I can tell by the way he narrows his eyes at me in confusion that he heard something similar from Robin. Just probably at a louder octave. Or he doesn't believe me.

"You and your friend were found on private property...."

"You know you still haven't told me who you are, or who you work for," I snap interrupting him again. He sighs angrily at me and I know he's aggravated. If he actually has just come from talking to Robin, he probably hadn't gotten a word in edgewise. It was probably driving him crazy that her and I were so into interrupting people.

"What's stopping me from walking out that door?" I ask.

He pins me with his liquid amber gaze and I freeze. "For starters, this facility is filled with patrolling guards with automatic rifles or maybe the fact that the door is locked and can only be opened from the other side."

Okay, that was a good answer. He opens his mouth, probably to start asking me questions again, but I cut him off.

"I'm not saying another word unless Robin's in here with me."

He sits back in his chair and glares at me. Oh yeah, Robin was interrupting him too and she probably gave him a similar ultimatum. I sit back in my own chair and cross my arms over my chest. I pin him with a dark glare and firmly shut my mouth. I will not say another word until Robin is in my room. And that is final. He groans loudly and stands. Internally I flinch even though I know he's not going to hurt me. He crosses to the door and knocks on it. There's a five second delay before the door is quickly opened and Robin is shoved in.

In a flurry of cries and oh my gods, Robin and I are throwing ourselves together and hugging each other tightly. She asks how I'm doing in hushed tones and I whisper back that I'm fine. I ask if she's okay too, because Robin's anxiety has always been an issue and she just smiles and nods. Probably because I'd know if she was lying if she opened her mouth. Consequently, I know she's lying now. She is anything but fine. But I can't soothe her, nor call her out on it right at that moment.

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