Chapter 2

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Jack says nothing to us when he returns except for: follow me. I note that he doesn't have his files anymore, but he's wearing body armor and a strange sort of weapon sits on his hip. It looks like a taser, pistol combo, and I can't take my eyes off of it.

Sarah and I follow soundless behind him, still holding hands. I know I'm too afraid to let go and I feel like as long as I continue to make contact with her it's going to be okay, because we're here together. I want to ask Jack where he's taking us, if it's dangerous, and if so can I have a weapon too? But my mouth has gotten us in enough trouble as is so I say nothing.

He leads us through hallways, and through doorways that become more and more complicated to get through as we continue. Until finally we're in a metal hallway looking through what has to be the thickest bullet proof glass I've ever seen.

But it was what was on the other side that terrifies me. The hobbled creature from the pool is chained to the floor, the room seems to be fogging either from extreme cold or extreme heat, and despite everything he is still dripping as if he's oozing at this point. It's hard to believe that this is the God of Chaos, or the god of anything.

The creature was looking at the floor, its body had been convulsing as if in great agony or very cold, but as I stare at it I watch it go still and then suddenly it's solid black eyes are on mine and I can't breathe.

Behind me, Jack is talking, I can hear it muffled like he's underwater. As buzzing hits my ears, my body tingles, I suddenly feel miles away from Sarah and I realize I've let go over her hand.

I blink. The world around me swims in flecks of ash like confetti and streaks of bright bloody red, dark black and flashes of gauzy gold. When I open my eyes again I'm on the other side of the glass. Outside that hazy bubble I hear the scream of the alarm, also muffled. I feel smothered and afraid, the creature is in front of me, it does not struggle but it does move. One twist and the chains climbing its body snap as if there were twine. Then it's in front of me. Its oozing sticky hands have my face.

I can't scream. I continue to look into those black eyes and they are far from empty. I see pain, and torment. I see a barren land, its people broken and starving. I see an empty throne shattered with neglect. I barely register the touch but when I do, that's when I start to scream.

Blinded by my visions I failed to feel the creature turn my head. Failed to feel it put its mouth to my ear, but I do feel the slimy something crawl into my ear canal, burring deep into my head. I scream at the burning that fills my head and my throat. I scream until I'm sure my throat is bleeding. I scream until something shattered through the smothering bubble and I'm torn from its grasp.

I hit the floor my hands whip up to my head. I struggle to put out the burning, tearing at my hair, my screams becoming ragged and broken as I try to breathe through them and the pain.

Hands cover me. I don't know whose. Words wash over me like rainwater and do nothing to calm me. They sound foreign. They're nothing but sounds to me.

Someone pulls my hands away. I see Sarah above me, the light behind her highlighting her like an angel. But that's not right because she's not dead yet and Sarah has never been an angel.

And she proves me right, when she punches me in the face sending me spiraling into oblivion.


I wake up in the same dusty palace I saw in the creature's eyes and I know I'm dreaming. It feels real but it can't be. Not really.

A man sits in the broken throne. He's perched in a position that has to be uncomfortable. His chest is bared, showing planes of muscles in hard jagged lines. There are bands of leather and gold around his biceps, turquoise tattoos dance along his collar bone and neck and disappear onto his back. His sandals are decorated, the black skirt he wears is woven with fluid silver and gold and opalescent shine. But it's those black eyes that catch me. Glaring out at me from behind a face made of harsh angles, the light coming from nowhere glinted off the bald head and shadowed his eyes making him look even more demonic.

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