Chapter 17

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Oh this was a big mistake.

Standing here in front of a dark cavernous opening, where I can already see snakes, all like the one that had slithered into Set's palace, dripping from the walls, glowing all sorts of different colors. I know I've made the wrong choice here.

They didn't have backpacks in this realm, so I had a sack draped over my shoulder that held the body of the snake that had tried to kill me and had poisoned Set. I had also brought a few golden trinkets with me I thought might have been of value since people really liked tributes here. I'd have to explain to Set that I raided his room for valuables, but if I figured if I got the cure and saved him I'd be forgiven.

He wouldn't try to lash me like Osiris did. He might threaten to drown me in left over bath water but I know he doesn't mean it. Not really.

I had left without a single person noticing, had just walked out of that palace, down to the town below. No one had stopped me. I got stares of course, but no one had really stopped me from leaving or said anything to me.

I had to ask for directions more than once and each time I asked, the person I was talking to would look at me like I was crazy. They'd try to talk me out of it.

Only monsters out there, dear.

Nice girls like you shouldn't be going out there.

Where's your husband? Or your father? Brother perhaps?

Maybe I should have listened to them. Except for that last guy. I don't need no man's permission to be doing what I'm doing.

Probably should have at least waited for the champion and gone with them, cause right now, I'm a little too afraid to move.

I wish Sarah was here. Because she wouldn't have been afraid. She'd take my hand and marsh right into that cave, dragging my more sensible and fearful ass behind her.

But I didn't have Sarah, so I was going to have to channel her, pretend I'm just as brave as she is. But I still can't move.

I continue to stand there, the sands blowing around me but not touching the cobblestone path I walked up to get here. I can see the beaded slit eyes of the snakes all peering me from the shadows. But I'm in the light and I feel like so long as I'm in the light I'll be okay.

But I can't stay there forever and I'm still not sure how much time Set has. I could be wasting it all dithering here like an idiot.

So I square my shoulders, take a deep breath and force myself to walk inside.

Right away the snakes that have been coiled along the side of the cave begin to move. That alone is enough to frighten me but they don't' come near me. They disappear back into the cracks or the shadows, but the bigger braver ones follow me.

I make my way down into the cavern and I try to remember what limited knowledge I had of the situation.

I was supposed to see someone named Nebu-Kai, I think. I was to request the antidote to the venom of a Kappi Cobra? Though I'm pretty sure I have the names wrong, so I've brought the snake with me so I know that I'm getting the right venom. Hence why it's in the bag slung over my shoulder, and I haven't taken it out even though I can feel the blood seeping through the sack and to me.

I figure I can just talk things out with the keeper of the snakes. No need for fighting, no need for retribution, just a calm conversation where I get the venom and the Nebu person gets what they want, if it's within my power to give it, and then we can part as unlikely friends.

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