Surprise, surprise

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'AGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!' Came the high pitched squeal that was emitted from Kier's mouth. The shock of the sound made us jump, with Drew being the worst and leaving has space and jumping into Shane's lap. I don't really understand how Drew physically jumped but he did, he's pretty spry.

'Kier chill the fuck out. I mumbled.

'Oh yeah yeah, right sorry.' I just got umm... A little excited you know?'

'Yes we can all tell Kier.' Said Shane as he rubbed soothing circles into Drew's back. 'I think half of Scotland heard that.'

'Yeah well they're all complaining then because most of them will be hungover.' I giggled inwardly to myself and smirked at the ground.

'AYE! No one does drinking like the Scots' Drew exclaimed as he held a fist aloft in victory and picked himself away from Shane's body, ending in a standing position with one leg on the edge of the sofa.

'Yeah yeah, very funny. Would you like a kilt with that pose Drew?' The red fringed antagonist said.

'AYE! I wanna feel the breeze on my giblets!'

'Have you been watching smurfs again?' Shane asked with mock horror, to which Drew just looked guilty and sat back down on the sofa.

'So, uh, how long have you two... You know?' Kier asked awkwardly. There was a second of silence as the Timids looked at each other gesturing to each other in turn, probable trying to decide who should talk. After a few seconds Shane fixed his gaze on the TV and replied nonchalantly:

'Three months'

'WHAT THE HELL?? How did I not notice? How?!' Kier questioned in a raised voice.

'Probably because you were too wrapped up in Bevers here to notice anything on around you.' Drew put his hand face up on his lap without breaking Kier's gaze. After a moment, Shane realised this, high fived it, giggled a little and went back to intently watching the TV.

'Is that why you guys have been so uhm touchy feely recently?' I glared at The side of Kier's head with the hope that would turn around so I could scold him with my eye-daggers. He didn't turn round. Looks like my most useful weapon don't get a look in today.

'Yeah pretty much. It's a wonder you guys didn't notice sooner really.'

'Mm hmm yeah we are such idiots. Anyway, this is all very exciting but I think I'm gonna go to sleep, you know we've got a few busy days ahead. See you in the morning guys!' I waved as I exited the room and began walking to mine and Kier's bedroom.


I fought immensely with myself. At this point I would really like to quiz Drew and Shane about there relationship, but I want to talk to Laurence and go to sleep as well. Decisions decisions.

'This has been pretty cool guys, but I'm pretty tired so I'm gonna hit the hay as well. Night guys.' I spoke as I left.

'Night.' Said both Shane and Drew. I was aware of some giggling as I left but I was too busy thinking to properly process if.

'Avoiding Laurence's gaze, I began scrubbing at my eyes to remove what makeup hasn't been rubbed off.

'So what does this mean for us?' A small voice asked. I turned round to see a Laurence Beveridge sitting on our bed looking utterly confused and defeated.

'I'm not exactly sure Beveridge.' I sighed. 'Whatever happens, happens. I don't think we should try to stop anything. Just let it happen, u'know?'

'Yeah yeah.' He looked at his space-print clad legs. He's a child at heart, we all are. Are we gonna tell the fans?'

'Well we don't have too many right now, and I don't think you'd be too comfortable with that either. So maybe wait, see how steady we go, how the band goes and then drier from there. Sound good?'

'Awesome yeah. What about the Timids.'

'The fans are gonna FREAK when they find out! But given they've been together for 3 months and they didn't tell us, I doubt anyone will be telling anyone anything anytime soon. At the end of the day it's their choice.' I paused mid-thought. 'There was a lot of any's in that sentence.

Laurence giggled. 'So there was, and yeah fair enough. I'm sure that everything will work out somehow.' He whipped out his phone and started tapping at it incessantly. 'Finish getting your makeup off and come to bed.'

I followed his command and faced back to the mirror, rubbing at my face. After spending about a minute working on one particularly stubborn patch of black, I decided that i had got most of it off and threw my wipe into the bin under the desk.

Following this I stripped down to my boxers and threw my clothes into the corner of the room. This had become routine for me, but given recent situations I wondered if it was so wise.

'Hey Bevers, is this okay?' I gestured to my attire.

'Yes' he replied stiffly. I thought nothing of it and started pulling and the corner of duvet at the edge of the bed.

'Budge.' After a small glare he did what I commanded and began wiggling back into the wall, he also gave up on his phone for the night and passed it to me so I could put it on the drawers. After I did this i wriggled under the covers and returned Laurence's gaze.

'Calvin Klein. Nice choice.' He said flippantly as he moved his gaze to the duvet and began tracing the stories with his index finger.

'Cheers. Excited for Thursday?' Today was Tuesday, and on Thursday we would be filming a video for 'Bow ties on dead guys' which would be followed by a video for 'could we burn, darling?' Which will be filmed about a month after that.

'Hell yeah! New guy doing this one. In a great big old house castle thing, chains and the Cardinal. What's not to love?'

'My thoughts exactly. See you in the morning.' I yawned as I faced away from him.

'Night Kier.' I heard a muffled Laurence say as I began drifting off to sleep.

A/N: hey guys! This has been a really long time coming, like I haven't updated since when? January? Wow. Sorry :/. School's been torturous. Too much revision and assessment and exams and performance practice.

Also I just kind of fell out of listening to music, I watched supernatural fro series 1 (It's awesome, watch it). But luckily I went to an FVK show on Friday (08/05/15) and I've fallen in love again. I got hit in the face with a drumstick that Luke threw as well. Awesome. Anyways, I gonna try to update more again so comment vote and follow me so I remember to. :) bai!

Also ignore the mistakes and poor editing in the whole story so far, I need to go through it. The media added is a picture of the concert I was at

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