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Drew's POV:

I kissed Shane's cheek gently and smiled at him as he turned to face me.

'Good shoot yesterday.' He said, matter of factly, wiping the sleep away from his eyes

'Yeah the bit with the flags was so much fun.' He nodded and I rested my head on his shoulder as a comfortable silence fell over us. 'So what's the deal with Kemp and Laurence?'

'What do you mean?'

'Well at the moment it sort of feels like they're together but not if you get what I mean?'

Shane looked around our room in thought, carefully evaluating his comment before answering. 'I think that neither of them are properly used to being in a relationship, Laurence especially, and they need some time to adjust to being together.'

'Yeah. Now you say it. Yeah I'm sure Bevers would take some time to adjust. I'm glad we're okay though.' I winked. He rolled his eyes and moved his lips to mine, my hands responding by burying themselves in his hair.

Laurence's pov

I've got a boyfriend. I've actually got a boyfriend. Woah. How did a pig like me achieve that? Luck of the draw I guess. I'm having a very difficult time with getting used to it. Trying to process the raw information seems to make my brain ache.

Also it could be seen as a bit worrying the way that I shy away from him. His touch, talking to him, being in the same room as him, I seem to be trying to avoid it wherever possible. I'm sure that's not healthy. And the worst part is that I don't even understand why I'm doing it. I love him. I know I do. Maybe I just feel guilty for doing so.

Sitting up in our bed, I turned to face him. 'I'm so lucky' I whispered to myself, Planting a gentle kiss on his cheek. His eyes fluttered at this contact, fingers and toes tightening and bunching in together as he stretched.

'Morning.' He slurred, moving his hand side to side in my general direction.

I feigned shock. 'Is it? Wow! I've honestly never noticed.'

He gently slapped me on the leg, probably incapable of any harsher movement. 'What's got you in such a good mood this morning?'

'I don't know.' I replied, looking down at my pillow and furrowing my eyebrows.

'It's not a bad thing.' He snaked his hand over the bedsheets and grasped one of mine. 'In fact it's a very good thing.' He stated very sincerely, looking into my eyes making my cheeks burn fuchsia.

Taking advantage of the moment, I jerked my head forwards and kissed him gently on the lips, pulling them away after just a few moments there.

'Wow.' He breathed.

My hand flew to cover my mouth and muffle my speech in embarrassment. 'What did I do? Did I do it wrong?' I garbled.

'No, no no no.' He said hurriedly, pulling my hand away from my mouth. 'You've never done that before. You've never kissed me.' He stated, appearing to be lost in a dream state.

'No. I suppose I haven't.'

'So what's the plan for today? Time team? Board game? Stay in bed? Writing?'

'I sort of feel like going out...'

'Woah. There's something off about you this morning. You sure?'

'Sure. I just feel that with everything. That has happened recently we haven't actually had the opportunity to do or see anything and I think it's about time to change that.'

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