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Laurence's POV

"Palace in flames, the king is dead the prince remains." My voice rang out through the room as a I sung the final notes during rehearsal.

I looked up at Kier, gesturing towards Luke, smirking a little and giving a thumbs up. Kier smirked back, nodding his head.

It was at this point Luke looked up at both of us and gave a huge sarcastic grin, crossing his eyes and holding his breath resulting in his cheeks turning a bright crimson.

He was funny too, and didn't care about looking stupid or gross. I revelled in that, secretly enjoying knowing I didn't look the worst anymore. Or at least, knowing that there was someone in the band willing to make themselves look stupid (apart from Drew who hardly counts because he's technically not in the band.)

Another upside about Luke was that we all have surprisingly similar tastes. We like the same kind of bands, (although he is a big fan of Metallica) we all watch most of the same kind of TV and movies and we all just kind of... Click. Like a puzzle you didn't really know needed to fit together until you found all the peices.

"So what now, grub?" Drew questioned, lifting his guitar off his body and carefully placing it on the stand behind him.

"Sounds like a plan!" Shane exclaimed as he strummed a dramatic chord on his guitar, emphasising his point.

"Awesome." Muttered kier as he shrugged on his jacket. Damn. I wish I was that thin. The leather clung closely to his arms and highlighted his toned muscles as it did so.

"What do we fancy? Let's splash out. Dominoes?" I asked the guys.

"Sure why not, you know well be fucked afterwards right? And I'm picking off the cheese! You can't stop me Bevers!" Drew took a tentative step towards me as he spoke and then stuck his tongue out. Child.

"Yeah if we put our money together we should have enough. Besides. It's a special event; we are celebrating!" I added, waving my arms around in the air in a much camper manner than I would care to admit.

A quiet mumble came from a certain red fringed man as he checked his reflection in the mirror and smoothed his hair. "Celebrating what?"

My reply was quick and painfully sarcastic: "What do you mean? Our new drummer obviously!"

Luke looked up from packing away his drum kit like a meerkat in the desert. "No way. What?"

"Yes way. You are our new drummer!" At my exclamation everyone walked towards him and gathered him into a massive group hug.

If I didn't know Luke better I would say I saw a tear in his eye as he spoke "that means so much to me thank you guys." His sincere tone reassured me we made the right choice. Hopefully this will all work out. God knows what I'd do if he left. God knows what we'd all do.

"It's okay, just don't be a dick." I said sarcastically, secretly hoping he wouldn't be as I wagged my finger in his face.

"I promise I won't." He wiped the space underneath his eyes as well as his nose and continued. "How about that grub then?"

A/N: really short one. Thought it was a good point to leave it at. On the other hand, double update to make up for it! :)

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