Swings & roundabouts

223 15 6

Laurence's POV

I heard the door slam behind me and sighed audibly. I forgot to grab my coat and wallet. I'm gonna freeze to death and I can't go anywhere. Great.

Shoving my hands into my pockets I found an open packet of mint chewing gum. Taking a pellet out and replacing it in my pocket I chewed on both the current situation and the minty freshness.

Why did he kiss me? Did he like me like that? Is he gay? Am I gay?

All the questions seemed to lead to nothing, the best way to sort this out is probably talking to Kier about it but my legs forbid me from doing so. Instead they carried on until I came across a nearby park and childish emotions filled my mind. Following these emotions I pulled myself to the top of the climbing frame and rested my head against a cold metal support bar.

I remember coming here before. Kier and I came here when we first moved to Camden. The night we moved into our flat neither of us could sleep. Swe decided to go out for a walk with the intention to get lost in our new surroundings, but when we fluent eg park we gave up and stayed until the sun rose. We did just as I am now. Sat together on the top of the climbing frame and leant our heads on a bar opposite the slide. I haven't come here since.

Back then everything was so easy, carefree. We all understood how we fit with each other and we understood how we worked and what made us tick. It seems everything I know about Fearless Vampire Killers has been turned on its head. Who are we now?

First our drummer left because he 'couldn't cope.' Whatever that means. Now it's looking like we got a bearded drummer with skills far superior to the last Luke that gave up his post of drummer, but we still know barely anything about him.

Then there's the Timids who are growing more cozy with each other by the day. This time 6 months ago they would talk to me and Kier as much as each other, these days they seem to unintentionally exclude us, too wrapped up in each others company. Over the past few weeks I can't even think of a time I've turned round and seen them separated completely, they always seem to be hugging or touching in some manner.

Then there's me and Kier. Where the hell do we stand now? Are we friends or does he still want more? Maybe that's why he's been acting so weird. The movement of a black clad figure crossing the road in a hurried manner towards the park distracted my thoughts. I saw a glint of red fringe as the person passed under a lamp post and my brain went into overdrive.

Kier's POV

Shit. Why the fuck did I have to do that? He obviously wasn't ready. Maybe he doesn't feel the same. I don't blame him.

I looked upon the cold hard paintwork on the freshly slammed door and reflected upon my actions.

I liked it. Maybe that's the worst part. He was pinned and I took advantage of that. I'm such a horrible person. I think I need to say sorry for all I've done.

Grabbing my jacket from the hook, I noticed his was sitting there on its brass peg beside mine. Above it was simply the word 'mine' scrawled messily in biro, Laurence staking claim over his peg soon after it was screwed into the wall. Everyone wanted that to be their coat peg and was arguing whose it should be and why when a smug looking Laurence strolled up and left a mark above it permanently so no one could argue.

Back to the matter in hand. I shrugged my jacket on and picked his up to give him when I found him. Opening the door, I found my feet waking towards a direction that they hadn't consciously made an instinct to travel towards. Rather than intervening I chose to let them do their own thing. After all, what could I possibly do worse today.

As I rounded the corner and came to a crossing I realised where I was. The park Laurence and I came to together our first day, or should I say night, in the flat. The nostalgia that overloaded my brain stunned me into a sudden halt in walking.

What's happening to me?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt