Loud balloons & first kisses

170 12 4

Shane's POV

That night, we ended up drunkenly passed out in our front room strewn across the floor like discarded dolls.

I looked over to Drew and found him resting his head on my stomach with one leg disappearing under the sofa and the other curled around Laurence's. How the hell could that be comfortable? Following Drew's leg I brushed my eyes over each member of our band.

Laurence's legs were sprawled on the floor, one foot hooked onto Luke's. Luke was the funniest sleeper of all; his mouth hung open and he was emitting a gentle snore, punctuated by a louder, more guttural moan every so often. His long hair covered the upper portion of his face while his beard was hidden as he had tucked his face into his shirt.

But perhaps the cutest sight in the room was seeing Kier's arm wrapped around Laurence's waist, while he cradled Kier's head gently to the gap in between his chin and his chest. They would make such a good couple. I just wish Laurence would wake up and notice the way Kier looks at him. Then again, I wish the same thing for the way I think I look at Drew. I'm deluding myself.

Just then the delicate flower of my thoughts opened his mouth and out erupted a huge burp which made me jump, Kier to screw his eyes shut and stretch a little and Drew to open his startled eyes wide and look me in the face. 

"What was that?" He whispered, so as not to wake anyone up.

"It was you." I whispered back to him in the same hushed tone.

"Really?" He questioned confused, to which I nodded firmly once. "Wow." Came a wistful reply as he gazed majestically up at the ceiling.

"Stop being proud of your burps."

"But it was a good one!" He whisper yelled.

"Point still stands." I shrugged.

I focused my eyes and thoughts on the other timid and wriggled closer to him, proceeding to flutter my eyes shut and gently drift back off to sleep.

Kier's POV

A loud noise startled me, waking me up but not fully. After what I estimated to be around 10 minutes of trying I eventually gave up on all possibility of getting back to sleep. Fucking bastard that woke me up.

Pulling open my eyes and looking around I saw an assortment of bodies littering the floor in some rather uncomfortable looking positions. But above that I saw no one was awake, therefore there was no one I could pin the blame on. Fuck.

Giving up on all thoughts of revenge or sleep I raised my head slightly to see Laurence's face, still asleep with his hand gently resting on my head, gingerly, I removed his hand and placed it on his stomach alongside the other one, then I leant up on my elbow to look at him properly.

He looks so peaceful when he sleeps The worry his face seems to be constantly etched with throughout the day melts into nothing and he appears to be younger, more child like, almost carefree. The only proof that this fantasy is indeed just a fantasy is the deep set black eye under eye circles and the worry lines recently engraved on his face by stress, still visible despite his slumber.

He rolled his eyes slowly behind his eyelids and a small smile began to find its way onto his face, and I found a smile making its way to mine. His was washed away as quickly as mine had formed, replaced with worry. My smile followed suit but instead replaced with confusion. My eyebrows furrowed and my face drew closer to his, surveying the surface, looking for an explanation of his change of expression. 

As I got closer, his face once again smoothed out to have an expression much like what I would define as serenity.

His skin looked so soft, and his hair looked so fluffy with a few random curls dotted around. I'd love to wind my fingers in those. Oh and his lips, they looked so innocent, so untouched. How I'd love to kiss those.

'No kier!' I scolded myself. 'He's your friend, he doesn't see you that way.' Sometimes I hated my inner monologue but at least it was honest with me.

I was once again started by Laurence rolling over and flinging his arm across his head, shielding itself from my view. A fresh annoyance built in me as my head found its new home on the cheaply carpeted floor as I glared at the ceiling. What would be a nice way to wake everyone up? Hmmm... "Aha!" I whispered quietly.

Standing up slowly, a small wave of vertigo passed over me and made me spin in place for a second. Woah. Alcohol. After I recovered, I slowly picked my way in between the bodies and out towards the hall.

Opening the cupboard door at the bottom of the stairs, I scraped the objects inside as quietly as I could while I was looking for the object of my desire.

To my dismay, when I found it I realised it was wrapped in cheap crappy plastic, the type that sounds like the world is ending when you try to open it. I moved it slowly, and teased it open even slower, pulling out a bright red rubbery object. Closing the cupboard door and tiptoeing towards the toilet I began to stretch it to make it easier to blow up.

Closing the toilet door behind me, so as to muffle some of the noise I held the balloon to my lips, thinking better of myself and grabbing some tissue, before hastily shoving it into my ears.

Replacing the balloon in my mouth, I blew air into it. 'How much air
can these balloons fit in them without popping?' I wondered to myself as it became almost double the size of my head.

Deciding this was enough, I messily tied a knot in the part of rubber left at the end. I gently flicked it and smiled to myself in contentment.

I walked right past the cupboard, not even bothering to look for a pin and stood in the doorway imagining everyone's reaction in turn. Raising the balloon to my lips I harshly bit into it, producing a loud bang to which everyone awoke.

In unison everyone www disturbed from their sleep and started shouting profanities at me. Laurence got up and started to chase me to which I reacted by running into the bedroom, closing the door and slamming myself against it.

Laurence scared me a little last night if I'm honest. He drunk so much so quickly, it was like he wanted to be totally hammered. I had to tell him to slow down a couple of times which was strange because it's normally the other way around.

I was brought back into the present by some persistent banging at the door, which I countered with my body weight. After a while it stopped. There was a minute of silence then a gentle tapping accompanied by Laurence's voice.

"Kier?" He asked hesitantly. "Can you let me in?" He sounded so sad, like a child refused a toy. Slowly I backed away from the door, pushed the handle down and opened it to see a Laurence standing in the doorway with the cutest look on his face. His quivering lip was replaced with a  malicious grin, to which I ran and threw myself onto our bed and covered my head with my hands.

His laugh followed me and he sat on top of me, pinning me to the bed. Shit. He prised my hands away from my face and looked me in the eyes. We were centimetres apart and I could feel his breath ticking my lips. 'Get yourself together kier! It's now or never.'

I closed the gap between us and pressed my lips gently to his. Holding the back of his neck, I pushed him slightly towards me so he couldn't escape. It was a cute innocent kiss, the type that shouldn't be held on, so after a little while I pulled back to see
His reaction.

His eyes were the worst sight of all, wide and full of worry. He clamped his hand over his mouth and squeezed his eyes shut, shaking his head in small motions. He began to withdraw and thrash around, I lifted my leg so as to let him leave. He got up from the bed and turned on his heel faster than I thought humanly possible, flying out of the door leaving me dumbstruck behind him.

"Laurence! No, wait!" I called after him. Fastening my pace to a quick jog out of the bedroom and into the hall I was met with the sound of a slamming door. Shit. That really wasn't how that was supposed to go.

A/N: second part of the double update! Wayy longer. Vote and comment. Also, this has over 100 reads now and that's crazy! Thank you guys :)

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