You mean to say..?

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Laurence's POV

I slowly walked down the steps of the climbing frame, and waited at the bottom until I heard the familiar sound of metal clanging stop.

Despite my dithering, kier strode confidently past me forcing me into a mini run to catch up. "Hey dickhead!" I began as I finally walked beside him again. "You forgot I'm fat!" I said sarcastically. Kier's reaction to this stunned me a little.

He stopped dead in his tracks and slowly twisted his head alone to face in my direction. It was terrifying, almost like when a doll moves its head in a horror movie. His expression was one of shock, mangled with confusion and perhaps even a hint of annoyance.

"What did you just call yourself?" He questioned, furrowing his brows.

"Umm... Fat. I think?"


"Because it's true." The floor suddenly became very interesting as I was surprised by my own honesty.

He took a single, slow step towards me and placed his hands gently on each side of my face.

"Laurence Beverage, you are not fat. You never have been and you never will be -"


He cut me off by placing to a finger to my lips and proceeded to continue.

"- I don't care how you see yourself Laur, but it's not true. You are not fat."

"Okay well if I'm not fat what about me being ugly?"

"Being ugly? Is this why you've been depressed since we got here?"

"Yes. That and the fact that the band isn't going anywhere is weighing down on me." I spoke with a small voice and hung my head in shame once I had finished.

"Laurence, you aren't either of those things. You are the most handsome man I've ever met and I wish you could see it yourself because you really are missing out."

At this point he took his index finger and gently lifted my chin up with it. "You are an amazing person, inside and out. You are painfully dedicated and you need to believe me okay? As for the band not going anywhere, it just takes time. We're gonna have to play a waiting game until someone notices. That's the rock industry. All we can do is wait and get enough material together to finish the album and try to get as many shows booked as possible."

"I suppose you're right." I slowly looked around at the deserted park and remembered my temperature which had been up until now forgotten due to Kier being generally distracting. "Home?" I questioned.

"Home. He agreed, holding out his hand for me to grab. As I did so, I realised how much I had lied. I don't believe him. I'm still fat and ugly. No words can convince me otherwise, not even from him.

The walk home was kept in a comfortable silence, neither kier nor me had anything to say to each other and we were perfectly happy walking alongside each other, hand in hand, in silence.

When we got back to the flat we were met with the Timids entwined on the sofa, stuffing popcorn in each others faces, not really paying attention to the movie playing on our dingy tv. Drew was the first to turn around from their popcorn war and his eyes quickly landed on our clasped hands.

Drew took a deep breath, looking as though he were about to squeal, but instead of words coming out his mouth all that left was a shower of popcorn. Once his mouth had emptied he hurriedly turned and patted his partner in crime until he had got his attention.

"BARRONE!" He screamed. "ITS REAL! KEVERIDGE! ITS... REAL." He enthusiastically pointed to our joined hands and shook Barrone with the other, at though fast movement would make him more excited about the recent revelation.

"You owe me a tenner." Barrone replied flippantly, blowing off Drew's excitement.

"Wait you had a bet we would get together?" Kier asked, taking a step forward.

"Yup." Barrone replied, popping the p and flicking between channels.

Drew unraveled himself from Barrone and walked towards the bedrooms with a dismal look on his face, presumably to fetch the money for Barrone.

With Drew's departure, Kier and I were left standing awkwardly in our living room, holding hands and unsure what to do or how to react. Barrone however seemed totally at ease, flicking between channels mindlessly and scowling whenever some form of reality TV came on.

Drew re-entered a few moments later clutching and ten pound note in his hand and began talking as soon as he set foot inside this room.

He proceeded to carelessly pass the note to Barrone without really liking at him and shuffled to a position where his feet were together and his eyes were fixed on the floor. "So um have you told them about us yet Barrone?"

Barrone's incessant channel hopping ceased and the words hung in the air like a thick fog. Barrone cleared his throat awkwardly and replied "uh no Drew... I was uh - was gonna tell them uh soon."

"Oh. Well I just kinda ruined that don't I?"

"Little bit yeah" came Barrone's annoyed reply edged with a hint of sarcasm.

"Well I uh guess it's time to tell them then. Should I? Should I uh tell them?"

"Yes." Barrone replied, without shifting his gaze from the remote control that lay fog often across his knees.

"We uh." Started Drew, gravitating towards Barrone and taking his hand within his own. "We are together."

Both Timids looked at us expectantly and waited for our reaction. What Kier did shocked us all, Barrone especially. The sound that followed was both high pitched and startling.

A/N: Hi guys! Sorry this update has been so slow, I've been so busy with school and christmas and whatnot, so vote, comment and follow and hopefully I'll update soon :) over and out!

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