Lets do this...

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Laurence's POV:

I awoke to find an intricately tattooed arm draped across my chest. The arm belonged to kier. He was adorable when he slept.

Kier was everything I wished I could be, thin, smart, funny. kind, God the list goes on forever. His muscles danced along his arm as he subconsciously flexed his muscles during his slumber. His slender form compared to my own excuse for a body ignited an envious flame within me.

He didn't have a thick layer of flab covering his whole body, he would never know. His thin elongated face compared to mine is incredible. My pudgy face was an ugly round shape, whereas his was highlighted due to his high cheekbones and perfect face structure.

"Nnnghhhh." A drawn out groan escaped his lips, bringing me back to reality rather than my own thoughts. "Mmmmmm hungryyyy." Kier groaned out.

"Um I think there's some chilli con carnie in the fridge you made up yesterday." I spoke softly but pointedly.

"Mmm but I can't be bothered can you get it Beveridge?" He asked as he rubbed sleep from his eye and propped himself up on his elbow.

"Kier I'm trapped against the wall, you get it you lazy arse"

"Mmm yes you are aren't you" he spoke with a seductive, sleepy tone laying thickly on his voice.


"Uhm don't worry... Um..." He seemed to be stuck for words, trying to pluck a topic to discuss from his incoherent brain. "You never did tell me where you went last night."

"Out. It doesn't really matter I just wanted to go out for a walk."

"Fine, fine okay, just promise you won't go again without telling me?" I held up my pinky finger sarcastically in response, surprised when he grasped it with his own and gently shook it.

An easy silence stood over us as Kier shifted awkwardly to his feet before looking up at me into my eyes and blushed a deep scarlet. His eyes flickered from side to side, unsure of which eye of mine to focus on. Finally he gave up and sighed quietly.

"Gonna go get some food now back in a mo." He spoke softly, before proceeding to leave the room.

"Hey kier, can I ask you something?" I asked, triggering him to turn around and face me.

"Yeah sure, what's up?"

"We're you looking at that Polaroid of me and you after we won Nerf gun wars against Drew and Shane?" He looked fazed by my question, probably confused about which occasion I was talking about. "You know the time you wacked me on the head with your gun and left a massive by accident?" I clarified.

"Yeah, yeah I know. Yes I was, why where did you put it?" He replied quickly with an air of worry.

"Uh I think I chucked it on the floor last night, why?"

He instantly dropped to his knees and began feeling around the floor for the small rectangle of photo paper. 'I um- aha! Found it!" He exclaimed, holding the picture aloft.

"Um okay then. Food?"

"Oh yeah. Food. Shit sorry." He mumbled, stumbling over his own feet as he walked away.

Well that whole affair was very strange. First he was talking about me being pressed up against a wall, what the hell does that mean? Then he like properly looked into my eyes, if I didn't know kier any better I would have said that we had a 'moment'.

If that wasn't enough strange things for an early weekday morning, he treated a picture of me and him like it was sacred. He must have morning brain or something.

I dodged the mirror as I pulled on a shirt and jeans. Dodging the mirror has become a game I play with myself every day. Being very self conscious, seeing myself in the mirror any time is bad, especially for extended periods of time. That's why I can only really cope with looking at mirrors for a while to put makeup on. Looking into one in the morning, when humans generally look their worst doesn't do me any favours.

Strolling into the kitchen, I noticed that the table had been entirely cleared and there was a bowl full of food sitting at the place in next to kier. Assuming that was where I was supposed to be sitting, I positioned myself in front of my bowl and began picking at it.

Drew, Shane and kier appeared to be huddling around various sketches piled on the table. However their incessant talking ceased when they noticed I had sat down.

Shane was the first to pick me apart "where did you go last night?"

"Outside." I replied in monotone.



"No shit, why?"

"Wanted to go for a walk, does it matter?"

"Suppose not." Shane muttered. An uneasy silence settled over all of us

Kier glanced at me somewhat nervously, gave a small smile and looked back down at his food, blushing violently. He was behaving like a hormonal teenage girl, what's gotten into him?

Shane began to talk again. "So, I've sketched out some potential album covers for the next album, which one do you reckon Beveridge?" My eyes scanned the various papers that littered the table before finally settling on one.

It depicted the image of a street, crumbling and cracked with buildings misshapen by an unspecified source. Small infernos littered the various houses, leaving the ground marred from its pervious beauty with chunks of fallen buildings. All around the image, families and groups huddled together in a desperate attempt to save themselves from the various falling pieces of civilisation. This image was set in Grandomina, the world I had created, depicted in the height of chaos.

Just as I was about to jab that sketch with my forefinger, I noticed Kier's gaze was intently locked onto a different piece of paper. Following his line of sight, I saw the picture he was looking at so pointedly.

It was majorly blue of varying shades. The background was heavily laden with a vast range of various creatures and beasts.

A bright gold coin sat in the centre of the image, looking rather stark amongst the various shades of blue. There were human like figures standing on either side of the coin, the one on the left grasping a book that bore our logo. Our logo was placed in another, more obvious place and in a slightly more disturbing manner too. It was atop the coin central to the image, drawn on in what appeared to be hastily drawn in blood.

Approving of the slightly more morbid nature of the intent of this image, I hastily prodded it and nodded firmly to myself.

Shane's reaction was quick, he clapped his hands together and spoke. "Well, it seems we are all decided then. This one it is." He gathered his assorted sketches and began to walk out, when Drew grabbed his arm and motioned for him to sit down.

"Guys," Drew began, "what are we going to do without a drummer, we can't record, rehearse or play without a drummer. We need to find one."

The topic of conversation brought an uneasy air to the table, cut by Kier's sudden outburst.

"GUYS! I've got it!" He exclaimed. "I saw this thing a while ago, well it's a website but basically you can find people that play instruments and want to be in bands!"

Kier's idea was followed by a chorus of agreement from all of us, causing him to push his quickly cooling bowl of chilli con carnie to one side and put the laptop in his place, opening the lid as he did so.

5 minutes and various key word changes on Google later, we found a a website that looked vaguely promising. Kier typed 'Drummer, London' into the search box and clicked enter.

Everyone craned their necks for a view of the result. The first entry that popped up looked promising, 'Luke Illingworth'. We all looked at each other and nodded, motioning for Kier to click the top profile.

The remnants of everyone's breakfast lay forgotten on the table as we furiously read.

A/N okay so wattpad was a dick and deleted everything I had written so this is a bit later than I would have liked, it's a bit shorter than it was too but I'll make it up by making the next one longer! Vote and comment if you want, it would make me very happy :)

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