Xavier Thorpe x Reader | Drawn to You

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You sighed, head dropping onto your open palm as you stared down at the empty music sheet. You were supposed to be writing Wednesday some new Cello music but couldn't quite get started.
"God Dammit!" You called out to no one, throwing yourself backward in your chair.

"What should I damn?" Came a monotone voice.

Your eyes shot upwards to lock eyes with your sister, Wednesday.
Quickly turning around you stood up "I'm trying to write your cello music, but I can't get anything down" you complained, causing your sister to sigh.

"Leave that be, for now, I have more information on our murder case," Wednesday said, "your...love interest might be our suspect."

You scowled "do tell who this 'love interest' is" you sneered, while Wednesday simply deadpanned.
"Xavier" she replied, "I see the way you stare at him."

You scoffed but your cheeks turned a shade of pink "Right" you rolled your eyes "maybe stop obsessing over this monster? Take a break? Isn't that Rave'N dance coming up?"

Now Wednesday let out a small scoff "I don't need breaks, I need answers. I will solve this" she insisted shouldering her bag "I'm checking out something, I'll be back later."

You nodded waving her off and turning back to stare at the blank staff that stared right back as if to taunt you.
You hummed disappointed, fingers drumming on the chipped wood of your desk.
As you drummed, your fingers began tapping out a rhythm and you smiled.
"Finally" you murmured, picking up your pen.

~ Time skip ~

You smiled brightly down at the full pages of music you had been able to finish. It was a counter melody to Wednesday's already written cello music and you were so proud of it. Leaves crunched under your feet as you walked through the forest. Enid had said Wednesday had gone out to question someone and you had automatically known where she was.
As you came to your destination two familiar figures appeared and your smile widened.
However, just as you were about to call out to them, words that you had hoped to ask shattered your mood.

"Do you want to go to the dance with me?" Wednesday asked, eyes blankly staring at Xavier.

Your eyes went wide and your grip on the music tightened, creasing the paper.
Taking a deep breath, you crossed the remaining distance.
"I finished the music," you said, refusing to make eye contact with either Xavier or Wednesday.

Unbeknownst to you, Xavier had his eyes trained on you, his mouth slightly open in shock that you were there.
His heart sped up and he swore that if it got any louder you would be able to hear it.
"Y/n, what are you doing here?" He asked, relieved that he was able to keep his voice even.

You cringed "handing off the music. You two, uh- have fun," you said, eyes skipping around the landscape not daring to even look at him.

Wednesday stared at you, taking the sheet music without saying anything, just a blank stare.

A couple more awkward seconds later and you were booking it back down the path you came from. Desperately trying to keep the tears that threatened to spill at bay.
Your thoughts were too loud to hear a voice calling after you.

~ Time Skip ~

It was the day of the dance and you were miserable. You tried to convince yourself that you were okay and shouldn't be so worked up but it didn't work out that well.
In hopes to clear your head, you had gone out for a walk, outside of the school.

As you walked you heard footsteps accelerating behind you.
Out of instinct, you turned around your pocket knife in hand, holding it to the person's throat.
To your surprise, you were face to face with Xavier who had his hands up in defense.

"Woah there, I thought Wednesday was the only one who liked sharp objects," he said, trying to joke around.
You however just rolled your eyes, sliding the knife back into your pocket "self-defense comes in handy at my house" you replied.

Xavier gulped and nodded putting his hands down "oh- right" he muttered, "but that's not the point I wanted to show you something."
You scoffed at this "why? Aren't you supposed to be with Wednesday? At the dance?" You questioned, crossing your arms.

He sighed "look, just come with me okay? I'll make it worth your while" he promised, holding out his hand for you to take.
You glanced from his outstretched hand to his eyes back to his hand before sighing and taking his hand "fine."

Xavier smiled before he began pulling you to the woods. Neither of you said anything as he lead you down a familiar path, to a recognizable building.
He tugged you inside, and your eyes were quick to dart around the room that was covered wall to wall with drawings.

You were amazed, most of the images were simply in black yet there was so much attention to detail, it took your breath away.
Xavier smiled at your reaction, walking over to a covered-up drawing "don't freak out okay?" He said.

You nodded and with that he took the tarp off with one fluid motion, revealing a large drawing of yourself writing music.
Your eyes widened walking over, your fingers delicately tracing over the ink, before your attention was brought to Xavier.

"You drew this? Why? How? When?" You questioned.

Xavier shoved his hands in his pockets, head bowed with a sheepish grin "I've had visions of you and it helps to think through my thoughts by drawing them" he tried to explain "me and Wednesday we didn't- nothing happened between us. I refused her offer to the dance, I wanted someone else to ask me."

Your breathing hitched as he took a step closer to you "who?" You asked your voice barely above a whisper.

"You" Came his reply "it's always been you."

His hand reached up to cup your face and you allowed yourself to relax into the touch.

Xavier's smile turned into a smirk as his eyes flickered to the drawing
"guess you could say I'm drawn to you"

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