Tyler Galpin x Reader | Precious

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WARNINGS - Excessive swearing and somewhat detailed gore at the beginning

You didn't realize that when you transfered from your old school to Nevermore you would be running for your life from a crazed student.

"Is it the monster? No, it's a fucking child" you muttered to yourself, pushing tree branches out of your way. The kid you didn't no the name of, dubbed Sean by you, was hot on your trail chasing you through the woods.

"Look, buddy, I got a list of names of people who deserve this more than I, you want them?" You called out behind you as you ran.
Sean didn't answer instead choosing to lunge at you hands outstretched. His hands made contact with your head and he took the chase to pull you backwards.
You fell on your back, a string of curse words leaving your mouth "fucking hell, guess not" you gasped out.

Sean turned to you, taking slow steps "you need to be eliminated, you will cause destruction to this school" he sneered.

Your eyebrows furrowed "Elminated? What kind of video game-" you were cut off by the sound of growling.
The sound made you throw your head back "oh you've got to be kidding me, what now?" You questioned, pushing yourself up and leaning against a near by tree.

The growling got louder and then suddenly Sean was being tackled to the ground by a hairless giant creature. The new being took no time in tearing Sean to bits, leaving nothing but blood and bits of flesh scattered around.
The creature turned to look at you, stareing at you before stalking closer.

You were exhausted and didn't have the energy to get up "look, you saved me, you don't tell, I won't tell. Do we have a deal over sized Gollum?" You asked holding out your hand.
As it got closer your vision begin to darken and fuzzy, you had hitten your head to many time to keep consciousness.
The last thing you saw was what you would beleive to be the creature turning to a human and closing the rest of the distance.

~ Time Skip ~

You woke up in your bed with a massive head ache and so many questions. You stumbled out if your bed and to your desk where you had pain killers and a water bottle. Items which you had acquired after you had befriended Wednesday and would come back to school after every outing with different cuts and bruises.
After the medicine kicked in you were feeling your normal self and rembered you were meeting up with Wednesday and Enid in Jericho.

You packed your water bottle, pain killers, and some miscellaneous items in a small back pack and made your way to the town.

~ Small Time Skip ~

You walked into the Weather Vane and were immediately greeted by Enid jumping on you and hugging you. She had got accustomed to hugging you as much as she could as Wednesday wouldn't let her hug her.
You let out a huff before hugging the girl back "I prefer your attacks to that psychopath" you commented making Wednesday and Enid stare at you.

"What?" Wednesday questioned, eyes boring into yours.

You smiled sheepishly "oh right, did I forget to mention that? Some kid said I would be destined to destroy the school and chased me through the forest" you explained.

"Did anyone...anything help you?" Wednesday continued, pestering you.

You were about to answer, tell her the truth, but you rembered the deal that you had made with the monster and as ridiculous as it was it did save you and you did say you wouldn't tell.

"No, managed to take the guy out with a branch before I ran back to Nevermore" you replied smoothly, which satisfied Wednesday for the time being.

Unbeknownst to you, a certain barista had taken an interest in you from across the café. He overheard your conversation, replaying the events of last night. He couldn't help but let a small smile slip hearing you not mention him.

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