Wednesday Addams x Reader | Convincing

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Again don't exactly remember who requested this, plus many requested Wednesday sooo


Wednesday was in the weather vane, taking a break from people in the solitude of the back left corner booth.
She was just about finished with her drink and about to get up to go when Tyler slid into the chair opposite of her.

"Hey Wednesday, I was hoping I could talk to you about something" he said smiling.

Wednesday stared at him "I doubt it'll be worth my time, but fine."

Tyler took that as a good sign and continued "well...we've know each other for quite a while, and from what I can tell there's something going on between us" he said trying to say he liked her with out actually saying it.

"Other than what should be a six feet radius, there is nothing" she replied, before standing up "I'm going now."
Tyler quickly followed her grabbing her wrist and pulling her towards him "don't tell me you don't feel anything for me" he mutmered leaning in.

At that moment you walked in, the smile on your face quickly disappearing as you saw Tyler and your girlfriend almost kissing.
You didn't say anything, only backing up, eyes watering as your hand fumbled for the handle of the exit.
Once in your hand you pushed the door open and ran, never looking back.

Wednesdays head turned just it time to see your figure running away, anger boiling up inside her. She knew what you thought was happening and it made her blood boil that Tyler cuased it.
Without a second thought she was twisting his arm and pulling it behind his back.
"Distain is what I feel" she muttered, kicking the back of his legs causing him to fall to his knees "and if you ever get that close to me again, I'll feed you to Enid."

With that Wednesday left, heading back to Nevermore. She had to find you, had to make sure you didn't think she would stoop so low to cheat on you.
Once at the school she made her way to your shared dorm, walking in slowly and closing the door, alerting you over her presence.

You were curled up on your bed, your face turned to the wall so Wednesday couldn't see your face.
"Y/n" she murmered walking over to you, stopping by the side if your bed "whatever you think happened, I can assure you tha-"

She was cut off by you turning to look at her, eyes and face red from crying "do you not like me? Am I not good enough?" You asked, sitting up, tears forming again.

Wednesday had never been in a relationship before, she didn't know what to expect, but she sure as hell didn't expect the mind numbing pain she felt at the sight of you crying becuase of her.
"Do you honestly believe there is somebody better than you at this wretched school?" She asked.

You averted her gaze, hands fumbling with the blanket on your bed "I don't know, you and Tyler seemed...close" you mumbled.

Wednesday had heard enough, she bent down cupping your face with her hands "that insulting excuse for a human being could never even come close to you, ever" she said "you are significantly better than everyone who has and will walk this Earth. Do not fool yourself with idiotic insecurities that have no factual basis."

Your hands came up to grip Wednesdays, fingers curling around hers.
"you really mean that?"
You barely had enough time to get the words out before Wednesdays lips were on yours, effectively shutting you up.

When she pulled away, you were blushing and her lips were twitching as she contained a smirk "don't doubt me" she said.

You grinned, pulling at bit on her hands so Wednesday leaned closer "mmm, I think I need more convincing" you replied.

Wednesday had no choice but to comply, she would make sure you knew how important you were.

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