Ajax Petropolus x Reader | Miscommunication

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There is a mention of Wenclair in this, if you don't like the ship skip past it.


You knew, oh fuck you knew, you should've listened to your gut, stayed away, but you couldn't.
So here you were, sat across from the guy of your dreams at the weather vane, talking about his crush Enid Sinclair.

"I mean she's honestly just...adorable," Ajax said, a lopsided grin on his face.
He was staring at you but you could tell he was daydreaming.
It was something you admired about him, but right now you would have rather been anywhere else.

You faked laugh "you sound lovesick, snake boy," you said, surprising yourself with how easily you could keep your voice even.

Ajax sighed, head falling onto his palm "I am, but I'm too nervous to ask her out, I'm just too awkward" he complained, hands reaching up to pull his beanie down further on his head "that's why I wanted to meet you here, to ask for advice."

Your heart fell with every word, you were hoping that his invite was something else.
"I'm not exactly the best person for that," you said, hoping to get out of having to give your crush advice to ask out someone else.

Ajax let out a drawn-out whine, dramatically falling onto the table you two sat at "please, I know you don't talk to her much, but you've been asked out on dates. What would make you say yes to a date?" He asked.

You gulped, hands clenched under the table "I don't know..." you trailed off trying to think "I would have to like the person first, then I would like it to be sweet, special, know that the person put thought into it."

Ajax nodded sitting up, both elbows on the table and hands planted on his face "I should be able to pull that off" he said, head tilting as his eyes got that far-away look again.

You sighed, you about had it with this conversation and didn't think you could stomach much more.
You stood up from the table, shouldering your backpack "you have fun with figuring it out, Ajax" you said, before hurrying out of the coffee shop.

Ajax's eyes widened before he quickly stood up stumbling out of his chair and following you.
"Y/n wait!" He called out, running to catch up with you and grabbing your hand "what's up with you? You rarely call me Ajax, what's wrong?"

You snapped, ripping your arm out of his grasp and turning around.
"What's wrong? What's wrong is that I have to endure countless conversations with gushing about some girl that you can't even talk to!" You yelled, causing Ajax to flinch a hurt expression crossing his eyes "what's wrong is that I've had to sit and watch the guy I like slowly fall in love with someone else!"

Ajax stood there stunned mouth agape as he stared at you "I don't- I mean- I didn't-" he tried to sputter out, cheeks growing red with embarrassment.
Your head dropped, anger turning into shame "Ajax, just go find Enid, you got something to ask her" you said, tears brimming your eyes.

You took no time in turning back around and running as fast as you could away from the gorgon.
You didn't stop, not until you made it back to Nevermore.
Your pace slowed to a brisk walk as you made your way up to your dorm.
You were so close, so close to being able to curl up in a ball and stay like that for as long as you wanted, but your path was intercepted.

Enid stood in front of you, bouncing up in down a smile on her face "sooo did he ask you?" She asked, eyes bright.

You frowned "what do you mean? What are you talking about?" You asked, confusion setting in.

Enid didn't lose her excited attitude "you know! Ajax! Did he ask you out? To be his partner?" She asked.

You couldn't do anything except stand there in utter disbelief "I don't have any idea what you're talking about" you said "Ajax- he- he likes you."

Only then did Enid stop bouncing, confusion settling on her face "what? No he doesn't, he likes you, he was going to ask you out today at the Weather Vale" she replied.

As if hit by a brick, you stumbled back, your heart rate picking up "but- but- he wanted advice to ask you out" you sputtered.

"That was a cover-up! He was too awkward so he was gonna start off with that and ease into it later. Besides, he knows Wednesday and I have been dating for about a month now"

You could've sworn you would have fallen over if it wasn't for the tight grip you had on the railing next to you that was turning your knuckles white.
The puzzle pieces that you thought you had together were slowly falling apart and reconnecting to form another image.
"He likes me? And I just left him there..." you murmured under your breath.

"I was going to try and explain everything, but you kinda ran away" a voice spoke up from behind you, causing you to turn around, coming face to face with the subject of the conversation.

Enid took her leave happily, and Ajax smiled softly at you.
"You freaked out on me, but I guess that was kinda my fault. I didn't mean to hurt you, I'm just too awkward for my own good" he said sheepishly "but since it's in the open now, mind if I try again?"

You simply nodded, your heart speeding up and your cheeks flushing.
Ajax stepped closer to you, his eyes meeting yours, and you realized his cheeks were the same shade as yours.

"Ever since we became friends, I knew I liked you. You never were scared of me stoning you, even helped me out when I accidentally stoned myself" he said chuckling a bit "truth is, when I'm with you everything just seems right."

Ajax stopped his little monologue to cup your face with his hand closing the remaining distance between the two of you "I guess what I'm trying to say is, will you be mine?" He asked, his voice quieting to be barely above a whisper.

Your breath hitched and you nodded "thought you'd never ask, snake boy"

Wednesday oneshots Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora