Xavier Thorpe x Reader x Ajax Petropolus | Lost Time

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As promised from the last little announcement thing, the plot one shot thing.
Ah yes, very descriptive.


You had thought there was something going on between Xavier, Ajax, and you. The three of you were best friends and as you got closer your feelings got stronger.

It started off with lingering touches.

"Ajax! You left your pencil in Thornhills class!" You called out from behind the gorgon causing him to turn around. When he reached out to take his pencil from your out reached hand, his fingers ghosted over yours, brushing your knuckles before taking his pencil.
Your skin was tingling, your eyes wide, while Ajax just smiled innocently and walked off.

Than came the gift giving.

You were sick, bed ridden, and when you hadn't shown up to class, both Ajax and Xavier had gotten worried and had gone to look for you. They found you curled up in several blankets, nose red and teary eyed.
The sight had melted the boys hearts and they refused to leave you alone. While one boy went out to grab you anything you wanted or they thought you needed, the other would stay with you, keeping you company.

And lastly, the sweet moments, the times when you could've sworn your face couldn't get any redder.

You were gathering ingredients for a potion, a class you were taking as an elective. Subsequently, Ajax and Xavier were taking the same class.
You had almost gotten all the ingredients  but the last one, some type of leaf, was in the top shelf out of your reach.
"Oh fucking dammit, that's unfair" you said, anger buidling up.
Xavier heard you and walked over "Calm down, fire cracker, I got it" he said coming up behind you.
His chest was against your back as he leaned up and grabbed the ingredient.
You tensed up, turning around imemdly when he had gotten it down for you. The only problem was that he hadn't moved back, so you were face to face with him.
He was smirking and your were tur ingredients bright red, scrambling for the ingredient and moving out of the way, leaving him with a stupid grin on his face.

It continued like this for months, suggestive glances, touches that made your breath hitch, and moments you would constantly replay in your head.
You thought your relationship would grow, but your wishes were shattered.
You were working in the weather vane, a job you managed to grab because of the lack of employees.
Ajax and Xavier frequently visited, one of them waiting for your shift to end to walk you back to Nevermore.

You had just finished making their regulars when you heard the bell ring signaling the door being opened.
You turned around seeing the two boys and grabbed their drinks "well, well, well, what do we hav-" you stopped talking, your eyes taking in their appearance.
Hickies were scattering both boys necks where the jackets, that they were trying to use to cover up the love bites, didn't reach.

At your sudden stop, both boys grew concerned.
"Y/n? Love? You alright?" Xavier asked waving his hand in front of your face.
You cleared your throat hurriedly giving them their drinks "uh- yeah yeah I'm okay" you reassured.

Your thoughts were racing, did they get partners? Did they both lose interest? Why hadn't they told you?

"You sure your okay?" Ajax asked "you look a little upset."
You just nodded, pretending to busy yourself by restocking the straws and creamer, "I'm fine, really, no need to worry" you said.
Xavier didn't trust that, and jumped over the counter that was keeping the two of you apart.
He walked over to you, planting his hands on eaither side of you on the counter, trapping you.
"Don't lie to us, we know your upset, let us help" he said leaning in close to you.

You gulped and gently placed your hands on his shoulders pushing him back. Your reaction surprised him, even if you were upset you've never pushed him back like that. You always replied with a flirty or sarcastic comment, pushing him back by his chest and sauntering away. The different reaction and the way you were acting was making him crazy cuase he didn't know why.
"I'm fine, okay?" You said "look we're busy, just go back to school, I'll be back in a couple of hours."
You just needed alone time, needed time away from them, needed to collect your thoughts.

They were hesitant, but none the less went to leave.
"We'll talk when your shift is done!" Ajax called out, before the door shut behind the pair.
A weight lifted the moment they left, a sigh of relief leaving your lips. The rest of your shift you thought about the situation, coming the conclusion that you would distance yourself to just being a friend, not wanting to interfere with anyone else.

~ Tiny time skip ~

You were walking to your room trying to be as quiet as you can, hoping that a certain artist and gorgon wouldn't notice you were back.
But your wishes were for nothing, as when you opened the door the duo was already waiting for you.

"Oh- I just remembered I had something else to do that's not here" you said quickly spinning on your heal.
You would've began speed walking but your wrist was caught and you were pulled inside your room before you could say anything else.

Ajax let go of your wrist as Xavied stood infront of the door.
"Now, tell us what's bothering you, you seemed off, don't deny it, we know you too well" Xavier said.
You didn't say anything, only fidgeting with your hands, averting their gaze.

Ajax sighed stepping closer to you, placing his hand under your chin and tilting your head to look at him "c'mon just tell us sweetheart" he murmered.
You turned your head out of his grasp, side stepping the gorgon and walking to your bed.
"You've got to stop doing that" you replied, desperatly trying to keep your voice even "it's not fair."

Ajax and Xavier shared a look before walking after you "stop doing what? What's not fair? To who?" Ajax asked genuinely confused.
Both boys were extremely concerned and confused why you were acting so different. Normally when they flirted, or got close to you, you alway flirted back, always reciprocated their affections, but now you were complete avoiding them.

You groaned "the touches! The names! I'm not an idiot, I can see your neck, you can't do that when you both have partners" you said, hands balled into fists, emotions crashing over you like tidal waves.
A quick look between the boys and they were both doubling over with laughter.
You were dumbstruck "what the hell are the two of you laughing at? You sound like hyenas" you commented.

Ajax was the first to speak "that's what you think? That we're both seeing other people?" He questioned "sweetheart we're dating each other, we became official a couple weeks ago."
Xavier was coming too and nodded "this happened last night, got a bit carried away" he chuckled pointing to his neck "would've invited you, but you were dead asleep."

Your eyes were wide "so you both...like me?" You asked in disbelief.
Xavier threw his hands up in the air "Yes! We both like you! We wouldn't have continuously flirted with you if we didn't" he said "we want you to be apart of our relationship, that is if your up for it."
A second went by before you were flinging yourself at then, one arm wrapped around each boys neck pulling them towards you "yes, yes, I want to be with both of you" you murmered "you had me so worried, I thought you lost interest."

"Lose interest in you? Never." Ajax said,   hugging both you and Xavier.
The three of you stayed like that for a couple of minutes, relishing in the fact that all of you got want you wanted, eachother.
When they both pulled back, you frowned wanting to keep the moment going.
They both smirked and chuckled, "don't give us that look we've got to make up for lost time" Xavier said.

Ajax grinned, tilting your chin towards him with his pointer finger. When you didn't pull away he leaned in and kissed you softly, his other arm wrapping around your waist and pulling you towards him.
Xavier was to the side of you, and leaned down pressing his lips to the skin of your neck, his hands resting on Ajax's.

Like they said, that had to make up for lost time.

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