Xavier Thorpe x Reader x Ajax Petropolus | 7 Minutes in Heaven

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"Y/n!" Enid called out bursting into your shared bedroom "you wanna play a game?"
You looked up from the book you were reading and grinned putting it down. "Sure! What game?" You asked jumping off your bed and walking over to Enid "is anyone else playing?"

Enid smirked before grabbing your hand and pulling you out the door "seven minutes in heaven and some other students" she said, "you can't back out now you said yes already."
You chuckled, complying with the girl's wishes, besides you were in need of a little entertainment.
Enid led you to the Quad where a whole bunch of students were sitting.
Your eyes landed on Ajax and Xavier causing you to immediately tense and turn to Enid.
She was grinning from ear to ear her eyes having a mischievous twinkle "oh, did I forget to mention the two guys you like are also going to play?" She asked, feigning innocence.

You rolled your eyes "tell me you don't have a plan" you said, to which Enid just shrugged still grinning.
She then walked over to Ajax who handed her a beanie.
"Alright everyone's put something in the hat, right?" She called out and once everyone nodded she continued "alright who wants to go first?"
She walked around, passing everyone who had their hands raised to volunteer, and went straight to you.

"Pick something y/n," she said, holding the beanie out to you.
You decided to throw caution to the wind and dipped your hand into the makeshift bag, before pulling out something random.
In your hand was a paintbrush, but wrapped around the handle was a small snake figurine.
"Ooo, a paintbrush and snake!" Enid called out, and both Ajax and Xavier stood up.

Your eyes widened and darted over towards the girl "I wonder how that happened" she said, but her eyes hadn't lost the mischievous glint "now the three of you in that room, you have seven minutes!"
Enid pushed Xavier in first, followed by you and then Ajax, whispering good luck in your ear before closing the door.

It was dark in the room, but when your eyes adjusted you found yourself in a barely big enough storage room.
You mentally cursed out Enid, reminding yourself to get back at her by talking to Wednesday later.

"Sooo how did you guys get involved in this?" You asked breaking the silence awkwardly, causing the two boys to chuckle.

"I'm good, Enid dragged us here together after barely explaining anything" Ajax sounded from behind you, and you could faintly see Xavier nod his head.
You nodded "same here..." you trailed off silence taking over for a few seconds "no one else's gonna talk? Just gonna stand here in creepy silence? Alright then."
All three of you laughed but it died down and you rolled your eyes "guys that means start t-"

"Actually, I got a question," Xavier said

You smiled "great, see Ajax? Take notes" you joked "what's up?"

Unbeknownst to you, both Xavier and Ajax were smirking cause they knew something you didn't know, at least not yet.
"You got a crush on anyone?" He asked, acting as if it was just a normal conversation topic.
You, however, tensed up, desperately trying to play it cool "maybe, maybe not" you replied, "...what makes you ask?"
Xavier chuckled "want me to let you on a secret?" He asked taking a small step towards you.

You took a step back and would have continued but your back bumped into someone's chest. You mentally cursed at yourself, realizing you were now trapped between Xavier and Ajax.
You could feel the rumble from Ajax as he chuckled and leaned down next to your ear, hands planted on your waist "we planned this whole thing" he said.
Xavier smirked "that snake wrapped around the paintbrush wasn't just a coincidence love" he said.

"What? But I thought Enid-" you trailed off, as the pieces began to fit together.
Your heart was pounding in your chest, thankful for the lack of light in the room cause you were sure your face was bright red.

"We both like you y/n and we know you like us too, but you weren't going to say anything so we took matters into our own hands," Xavier said, "did it work?"
You smirked a bit, if they did this you might as well have some fun "I don't know, I think I need more convincing. That is if your able to do-"

Lips were on yours in an instant, Xavier placing his hands above Ajax's, squeezing slightly.
When he pulled away, you felt Ajax move one of his hands, and then your head was being turned gently to look behind you, and a new pair of lips were on yours.
Just as he pulled away the door to the room opened, revealing Enid standing in the doorway.
You went to move, but both boys tightened their hold on you keeping you between them.

"We're going to need a few more minutes," Xavier said, as Ajax reached out and closed the door again.

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