Xavier Thorpe x Reader x Ajax Petropolus | Just to be Sure

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You were on your way to meet Ajax and Xavier, you three had made plans to go out on a date, they had wanted to surprise you with something.
You were curious and incredibly excited, making your way to the Quad.
You were almost there, so close, but your path was intercepted by one of the werewolves.
You believed his name was Levi or something along those lines.

"Hey, sweetheart, where are you heading?" He asked smirking "maybe I could accompany you?"

You rolled your eyes "first of all, that name is copyrighted and not for your use" you retorted "second of all, I'm going to meet my boyfriends, so if you'll excuse me."
You sidestepped the boy to continue walking, but he matched your steps, still in front of you. "C'mon don't be like that, just give me a chance," he said reaching forward for you.
You quickly took a step back arching away from his hand "BOUNDARIES BITCH!" You yelled out.

Xavier and Ajax were waiting in the Quad for you. When you were a couple of minutes late they didn't worry thinking you had probably gotten caught up in class.
"So if you have Snakes for hair does that mean you have Snakes ev-" Xavier was cut off by the sound of you yelling. They shared one glance before running in the direction of your voice.
When they rounded the corner of the Quad they were met with you dodging the touch of a random guy.
The werewolf still hadn't gotten the hint and was still trying to touch you.
"I'm not very good at dancing, but I believe you're doing it wrong," you said, ducking under the werewolf's arm "I think consent is supposed to be involved!" 

You kept evading the touches until you saw Xavier and Ajax and ran over to them "took you long enough" you muttered "sorry wolfy, these dance lessons aren't going to work out. It's not me, it's you."
The werewolf finally noticed your boyfriends and his mouth fell open in shock.
Both Ajax and Xavier took a step in front of you, their hands grasping yours while their free hands balled into fists.
"Don't ever touch them again" Xavier said.
"As a matter of fact, don't even look at them, they're not for your eyes" Ajax added.

With that, the duo spun you around and led you away from the werewolf. They didn't stop walking until you were completely out of sight.
Ajax turned to you, his eyes going from angry to concerned in a split second "are you okay αγάπη μου (my love)?" He asked, "he didn't hurt you did he?"
His hands went to your face, gently cupping your cheeks, caressing your skin with his thumbs.
You shook your head "no, no, he didn't hurt me, didn't even touch me" you replied.

Xavier wrapped his arms around you from behind "maybe we should just make sure" he said, "Kiss the pain away, just in case."
You hadn't had the chance to respond before Xavier pressed a kiss to your neck.
Ajax grinned and leaned in close to you before peppering kisses all over your face. Any exposed skin that he could reach was covered with at least one kiss.

Xavier kissed his way down your neck and across your left arm before kissing your hand. (Yes, yes, that one seen with Gomez and Morticia, you know it).
"Think that's enough Ajax?" He asked, one of his arms moving to hold your hand as he pressed another kiss to your skin.
"You missed a place," you said before Ajax could respond, using your free hand to point to your lips "you know, better safe than sorry."

Ajax nodded "of course, better safe than sorry" he agreed before leaning down and capturing your lips in a kiss.
There was something else behind the kiss, other than just innocent love. Ajax wanted to remove any thought of the previous incident and wanted only him and Xavier to be on your mind.
With that goal in mind, Ajax deepened the kiss, which would've continued if it wasn't for the sound of an annoyed hum from Xavier.
Ajax pulled away and Xavier took no time using his pointer finger and thumb to tilt your head towards him.
"One more time for good measure," he said before kissing you.

The kiss was different from how Ajax was. Xavier was angry and wanted nothing more than to knock that werewolf out, but couldn't. Instead, he channeled that rage into love for you, keeping his lips on yours for as long as he could. 
When he decided that breathing was necessary he pulled away "mmm, good enough" he murmured, "for now."
Ajax nodded "but if anything else happens, come get us," he said "not that you can't take care of yourself, but I don't want anyone else around you that shouldn't be around you."

You smiled "don't worry, you've got no competition" you reassured, reaching for both your boys hands "now let's go, we've got that date."
Ajax and Xavier shared a look, smiling and chuckling before following your lead.

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