Rowan Laslow x Reader | Safe Place

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I don't remember who requested this- but here's a Rowan one!!


You woke up to the sound of frantic knocks on your bedroom door, loud banging noises that never ceased until you opened your door.
You were met with a panicked looking Xavier, his eyes flickering to you and than down the hall.
"Good you're awake, come on," he said grabbing your wrist to pull you down the hallway, but you resisted.
He turned to glare at you and say something but you beat him to the punch "I get an explanation before I start wandering the hallways with a creep" you said.

Xavier sighed "It's your boyfriend, Rowan, he is stressed about something and keeps calling your name" he explained, "now can we please go."
You were immediately running down the hallway, only dressed in pajamas but you didn't care.
As you neared Rowan's dorm you could hear the quiet sobs of your boyfriend coming from the open door.
Without a second thought, you walked in and closed the door behind you. The sound of the shutting door alerted Rowan and he picked his head up from his hands in a panic.

"I told you I don't want anyone with me unless it's..." he trailed off when he realized who you were "y/n!"
He scrambled out of his bed and ran to you, pulling you into a hug "your here" he mumbled into your neck.
You wrapped your arms around his shoulders and hugged him back "I am" you replied, "what happened?"

Rowan tensed at your question before sighing and leading you to his bed, sitting down. "I've been having Nightmares recently" he murmured "they seem so real that I wake up thinking somethings wrong. That's how I freaked out Xavier."
You nodded running your fingers through his hair, coaxing him to lean his head on your shoulder.
He didn't need more convincing and leaned into you, head burying into the crook of your neck.

He visibly relaxed in your embrace, his arms loosely wrapped around your waist.
"Every dream I had, you've died in my arms, I couldn't save you" Rowan mumbled into your skin his voice breaking "I just had to sit there and watch you die helplessly."
He was crying again, his hold tightening as if he let go you would disappear.
You cooed in his ear, "it's okay, love, I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere" you said, fingers running through the boy's hair.

He picked his head up from your shoulder, his watery eyes locking with yours  "promise?" He asked, "promise you're not going to leave?"
You nodded, "I promise, I'm not goi g to leave you."
He was satisfied with your answer and leaned his head back on your shoulder.
However, this time he pushed forward a bit causing you to fall back on his bed.
"You said you would stay, so you don't mind staying here for the night, do you?" He questioned, laying down next to you.

You grinned "I don't mind at all" you replied, Rowan, wrapping his arms around you once again.
His head came to lay on your shoulder and your hands went to his hair.

"Good" he mumbled, his eyes closing with a soft smile on his face.
You were his safe place, where he could be completely at peace with no worry, or owing you were right there.

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