"Cold shoulder"

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⚠️TW: emotional

But not really bad it ain't very triggering but I just wanted to put up a warning anyways just in case💗

(This chapter is kinda based on Cench's song, 'cold shoulder' if you think about it- listen to it whilst reading this chapter press on the video above ☝️)

After a huge mouthful from Dave, Oakley was all over the place, a big emotional mess and he didn't know what to do, tears falling down from his sore, red eyes he pleads, "I'm sorry I don't know what happened to me, I didn't mean to, I wasn't actually gunna kill him!" Oakley says crying. "Yeah cuz Dennis stopped you, you probably would have you are really stupid, he's not going to stop you know, he won't stop until you're dead now!" Dave grits through his teeth, "and I've had enough with you now i'm fed up of protecting you, trying to keep you fucking safe! You're on your own now Oakley" he says throwing his arms around and he slams the door shut behind him as he leaves Oakley's room. Oakley didn't know what to do anymore he just dropped on his bed face flat and screamed into his bed covers.

He has a mental breakdown and cries and got a flashback from about two years ago:

"YOU ARE A NARCISSIST AND A SOCIOPATH, YOU JUST THINK THE WHOLE WORLD EVOLVES AROUND YOU, YOU DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT ANYONE ELSE BUT YOURSELF, BUT GUESS WHAT! NO ONE GIVES A FUCK ABOUT YOU CENCH, NO ONE WOULD CARE IF YOU GO AND KILL YOURSELF YOU DON'T DESERVE ANYONE" Shanice, his 'girlfriend ', spits out to him. "That song you wrote, commitment issues, means nothing to me at all, I hate you cench, you make me sick". "I swear down fuck off Shanice, we broke up a week ago the fuck you on? I can do whatever I ducking want, we ain't together no more and guess what you don't control me anymore bitch" Cench shouts. "Dick head" he says as she leaves his house.

The poor boy had no idea what to do he didn't what he should do, "go kill yourself" those words were swirling around in his head, continuously screaming at him in his head he ran out his apartment and he took a few deep breaths. He took out his phone from his pocket and he automatically went to his contacts and his finger was hovering over his bestfriend's contact, Dave, he was hesitant at first on whether he should call him or not, he needed help from from him, Dave always helped him through these tough times and so he pressed the contact and he put the phones by his ear with his shaky hand.

He picked up the phone and he spoke through the phone, "yo cench wassup bro" Dave says. "I need help, she came over again" he says with his shaky, weak voice. Dave instantly knew who and what he was talking about. Only Dave really knew who Oakley was and he was honestly a weak and vulnerable kid, who anyone could just walk all over.

Oakley has been in an abusive and controlling relationship for over three months, he was pretending to be happy for a very long time and of course Dave could see right through him straight away, one thing about Dave he is a very caring and loving person, when he wants to be and he always cared about Oakley.

Dave came rushing over to Oakley's house and saw Oakley sitting down on the floor against the wall outside the apartment building, with his face in hands. Dave instantly rushed over to him and went down to his level and got him up and took him inside and put him on the sofa. "Hey yo bro you're good alright? Relax yeah, have you taken your medication?" Dave asked him. And Oakley nodded, yes. Dave shakes his head and walks over to the kitchen and looks inside the cabinet and gets out the little orange bottle and shook the bottle and it was full. Dave knew when Oakley was lying.

He grabbed a glass and filled it with water and gave it to Oakley and along with his tablets and he swallowed three at them all in one go and and gulped the water down. After a while, Oakley was feeling quite better and seemed fine.

Dave had spoke to him about Shanice and promised him that she won't bother him anymore. "Thanks Dave, for everything I appreciate it a lot" Oakley says yet still weak and hopeless. "All love bro you know i'm always here for you" he says dapping hun up and Oakley hugged him really tight and Dave hugged back patting his back.

back to reality:

As Oakley had just come back to reality he couldn't help but think about how his friendship has now gone down the drain and he knows that what Dave said, he really menat it, he's done with him and wants nothing to do with him anymore, he ain't gonna help him no more, he's on his own now, even Dennis is mad at Oakley, it won't be long till everyone knows what happens and they will all hate him. He didn't know what to do and so he begun to pack, he didn't know where he's going, but he knew that there's no place for him here anymore. He dowsn't want to live in a place full of people who now hate him he wanted to leave and not hurt them or put them in any danger at all.

Yn had come across his mind and he just shook his head. He coildn't do this to Yn either anymore, she don't deserve him she deserves someone better than him someone who would protect her and not leave her like he's doing but he has made his mind up.

He's packed a few of his clothes and everything else and decided that he'd just buy new clothes. He made his way downstairs with his small suitcase in his hand and made his way to the front doormat then he got stopped by Yn, "hey Oaks, oh" her face drops when she sees the suitcase. "I'm sorry Yn, you don't deserve me" he says really fast trying to hold in his tears and he leaves the house.
He gets into his car and takes one last look at the house and drove off, he knew where he was going to stay.

He arrived at the place and took a look at the house, it was really old and ugly looking, he took a deep breath as he knocked on the front door. He was nervous to be here but he knew that he'd be welcome.

The door opened and there revealed a beautiful looking woman, who is Oakley's mother. She looked happy but hurt at the same time to see the state Oakley was in.

Oakley gave his mum the biggest hug ever and sobbed in her arms. It's a been while since he's visited her and he missed her a lot and she missed him so much aswell.

Hey guys I'm sorry I have no idea what the hell this chapter was it is a really random chapter I don't know why I wrote this but I did LOL.
I hope you liked it nevertheless.
Ly all 💗💗

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