back in London

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*2 year skip*

I am back in London for a while with Marvin and we are at the London airport mall with my one year old son, Adam.

Adam has recently begun to get very frustrated and has been throwing a lot of fits and tantrums lately which has made me realise that i have to stop being so soft on him and i need to be a little firm with my boy which is very hard though because i love the little guy to bits and can not seem to be strict with him.

we have been in new york for two years now and i've been wanting to come back to the UK for some time now but my anxiety was stopping me i was afraid of what might happen, i was afraid that i might bump into Cench or something and i have no idea how i will react. i know that i can't avoid him forever, he is the father of my son and i want his father to be in Adam's life but the last thing i know about Cench is that he clearly didn't want to be in our lives. He hasn't reached out to me, no calls, texts, nothing.

"come on guys let's go man" Marvin says frustrated. i don't know why he came to new york in the first place but i guess i am glad he did because he was very helpful and supportive. we exit the airport and there was a taxi waiting for us already. i texted Kenza and i'm going to her house with Adam while Marvin goes to see his family. the driver drops us off to Kenza's first and i take Adam out of the car and Marvin helps me load the luggage out.

i knock on the door and she opens it and squeals in excitement "ahhhhh omg i can't believe you're actually here!" she exclaims and Adam hides his face in my shoulder. "and oh my who do we have here?" kenza says in a calm tone looking at Adam. "Adam baby say hello to auntie Kenza" i say to him in a soft tone and he slowly lifts his head up and turns around to see her and he shyly waves. "hello there what's your name?" she says and he smiles back and says "Adam" and Kenza says, "that's a beautiful name" "tank you" he says.

Kenza is allowing us to stay at hers for a while. Cami and Adam instantly got along with each other and are now friends and they went upstairs to Cami's room to play, leaving me and Kenza alone to chat and catch up.

"wow i can't believe that, who would've known he's get with her out of all people damn!" i say shocked as we just gossip about the others. and then i quietly say, "what about Cench, how's he?" i ask, it hurts saying his actual name. "oh um he's alright i guess, he's just been distant from everyone he's been taking a break from social media and hasn't been around for a while, he'd usually come over sometimes to hang around with Dennis and Cami but he's been off the grid" i didn't know what to say with that reply so i just responded, "oh". "you miss him?" she asks, that question caught me off guard. "mmm yeah i guess, but still pissed about how he left us like that, he just left without saying, it was clear that he didn't want anything to do with us and so i don't know what to feel anymore but yeah i do miss him" i whine, sighing. "well if it helps he really regrets how he left things with you and he's going to be excited when he finds out you're here" Kenza says. i sigh, "i don't know if i'm ready to see him, it's been two years since i've seen him and Adam and i have been functioning perfectly fine without him in our life, yes i know that's messed up cuz he's the father and shut but, let's be for real yeah? he's the one who clearly didn't want a life with me, he just sis d that in the moment and clearly didn't mean it!" i ramble on and on and a kenza being a good friend just listens and gives me good advice and i've decided to take her advice which was to at least try and each out to him and let him know that i'm around, nor for me but for Adam. Adam deserves a father in his life and i know Cee would make a great father.

Kenza decides to order some pizza for us and chips for the kids. "oooh pizza!" Cami says in awe as she smells it and Adam waddles over to me and i pick him up in my arms, "you ok baby?" i ask him as i smother him with kisses and he coos. "you know he looks exactly like him" Kenza says and I smile as I look at my son, "I know" I say softly as i squeeze his cheek gently. They all eat the pizza except from adam of course who ate just chips his teeth are still growing in and he's unable to chew insoluble foods just yet.

"I don't know how I go to him Kenz" I say anxiously. "like what do I say? what do I do?" I say on the verge of panicking. "It's calm babe, how long are you here for?" She asks me and I shrug my shoulders, "not long though" I say and she nods her head, "you do have to see him though so don't wait so long to do so" she says and i nod, she's right. "Can you watch Adam when I go, I don't want to shove Adam in his face straight away I say and she chuckles, "yeah great idea" and I sigh. "It's going to be fine you know" she says reassuring me and I shrug my shoulders what if everything is different? What if he doesn't want to see Adam still? What if he doesn't want to see me?

"Stop thinking too much about it" Kenza says, she could tell I was overthinking as usual. "Mama I sleepy" Adam says to me with his eyes half opened and I take him upstairs and get him ready for bed and then put him in the guest room room where he's sleeping and he falls asleep straight away. One thing about Adam that it's amazing how he gets knocked out straight away, it's amazing but he wakes up in the middle of the night sometimes.

I cuddle with Adam, trying to go to sleep aswell but all I could think about was Cee and what he is doing, and what he is like now, I must see him tomorrow.

Guysss hi!
I don't know what I'm doing tbh
I don't really like this story anymore
I'm writing a new one though about Cee ofcourse 😝

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