Part One: Chapter 5

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Thank you everybody for your patience! I have undertaken my viva (end of PhD exam, you have to defend your thesis against two examiners to officially finish your doctorate) and passed! I had to make minor corrections (this is the most common outcome of a viva) which have been submitted, so I can officially call myself Dr Cam!

When I first started on Wattpad, I was 16 and had just decided my career would be in psychology because I loved it so much. Almost 12 years later (and 10 years of university later...) I've finally gotten to where I wanted to be!

I am now back to weekly uploads for both this book and Picture Perfect (this book Sundays, PP on Wednesdays).

Love, Cam


Chapter Five


I had kissed people before. I'd had my first nervous, awkward kiss with a girl when I was fifteen, and had shortly afterwards decided it probably wasn't for me. I'd had my first kiss with a guy a year later, furtive and hurried while we hid away from prying eyes. I'd kissed several guys after that, although I had to admit that kissing wasn't the focus of those encounters.

Kissing Harper was a completely different experience. My heart was in my throat and my stomach was flipping somersaults and my hands had no idea what they were doing. His hands clearly got the memo, because one was tilting my chin up and the other was around the back of my head, fingers weaving through my wig.

"I'll get lipstick on you," I protested once we broke for air, and an entire Greek chorus of 'what the fuck are you saying?' broke out inside my head.

"I don't give a fuck," Harper replied, and kissed me again.

I forgot immediately about the lipstick. The first kiss had been firm but careful. This was anything but careful. Harper was kissing me as though kissing me was the only thing his body was made for.

But then he pulled back. And held me at arm's length as though he didn't quite trust me not to lunge at him.

Which was fair. I was about to lunge at him.

"Wait," he said, in a strangled voice that clearly demonstrated to me how difficult it was for him to say any of this. "I need... I need you to take some time."

"I - what?" I asked. My blood had been so far directed from my brain, I had entirely forgotten the context of our situation.

"I haven't been with many people since my diagnosis," he told me, his breathing slowing and his eyes a little distant. "I need you to think about it first. I don't want you to just... jump into it."

I desperately wanted to jump into it, but he was right. The absolute bastard. I could see how much it meant to him, to take this step after so long. And if I was honest, I was still reeling from the information.

"Okay," I managed, my voice ridiculously breathy. "I'll think about it." I then eyed him. "How long exactly do I have to think about it?"

He laughed, the distant look in his eyes disappearing as humour took over. "A week. At least. I just... I don't ever want anyone to regret it."

The words sounded so heartbreakingly sad that I desperately wanted to come up with the right thing to say. The response that would make it better. Reassurance, or something comforting. Something that would help.

I didn't have those words in me, so I just nodded, and said, "If you fuck how you kiss, I doubt anyone would ever regret it."

Harper laughed again, although it wasn't really a funny situation, and shakily got to his feet. "We should make ourselves look presentable before Ross and Raven get here - because Ross can sniff out horny people within fifty metres of him, and Raven is related to him so I can only assume she's just as bad."

Sequins and Shots - Book Three of the Café Latte TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now