Part Two: Chapter 8

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Hey loves! The next chapter will be the last chapter in Part Two. After that, we begin Part Three - which takes place during Fire and Freedom! You'll get to see some classic scenes from Harper/Edward's point of view, and some brand-new escapades that happened during the first book. I'm so hype.

Love, Cam

Chapter Eight


I wondered how much of my life was going to be spent with me making terrible decisions, and Raven telling me I was a twat.

"You're a twat."

It turned out, a lot of my life. I sighed and said, "Thanks, darling. Cocktail?"

"Water, thanks," she replied, and I handed her a bottle, waving her away when she tried to pay. "You are a twat, though. You need to - and yes, I cannot believe I am once again saying this to you - you need to talk to each other."

"We do!" I protested.

Raven arched a perfectly sculpted eyebrow. "About things other than sex?"

I cringed. "We... talk about roommate stuff."

"Unbelievable," Raven replied, and took what I could only assume was supposed to be a fortifying sip of water. "You've been shagging for months."

"Yes," I confirmed.

"Several months of shagging," she replied.

"Yes," I confirmed for a second time.

"And not once have you discussed what you might actually mean to each other," she retorted.

I considered it, hoping to find a decent response, and said, "We tell each other that we love each other all the time?"

"We all tell each other that we love each other all the time," Raven pointed out. "Frankly, we probably tell each other too much, and we need to rein it in a bit."

I rolled my eyes and pointed behind her. "Your date is waiting for you to dance with them, and you're berating me for my sex life? Go on, get out of here."

Raven sighed heavily, but did shimmy her way back over to her date, who grinned at her happily. This was their second date, which was lovely, because Raven deserved someone truly wonderful.

I wondered what Harper was up to. He'd been a bit sulky all day, but had told me there was no particular cause for it, he was just feeling a bit low. He preferred to be alone when that happened, and so I'd left him to it, but part of me had been thinking about it throughout the evening. I hated seeing him sad and knowing there wasn't anything I could do about it.

"You're off, mate," Taz said, clapping me on the back. "Enjoy your freedom!"

I grinned and ducked back into the employees' coatroom, grabbing my jacket and bag and getting out of the club before anyone could corner me and ask me to stay an extra hour. The club managed to heat up after a mere hour with anyone in it, and I relished the cold evening air. It was only about nine, and I knew Lucie would be doing the banking forms for the next half-hour, so I walked along to Café Latte to see her.

She had just finished the banking and was putting her scarf on when I knocked on the window to get her attention. She jumped and then smiled when she saw who it was, and hurried over to open the door. "I'll be out in a sec, is there anything you want before I lock up?" she asked.

"No, I'm good," I replied. "Fancy a cuppa elsewhere?"

Lucie checked her watch and said, "Maybe not caffeine, but I can hack something fizzy."

Sequins and Shots - Book Three of the Café Latte TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now