Part Two: Chapter 2

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Hello my dearest people! I hope you are having a lovely weekend.

Love, Cam

Chapter Two


"I absolutely cannot do this."

It was roughly the fourteenth time I had said it, and it was good that Mark had the patience of a saint, because he managed not to roll his eyes as he said, "Yes you can."

I was in heels and a flouncy skirt, but no other aspect of my drag; Mark wanted me to get used to walking on stage in the heels and skirt first. I had mastered it pretty quickly; it wasn't all that different from walking around normally, except the knowledge that everyone would be watching me do so.

"Just imagine people filling the room and looking at you," he said, probably imagining he was being helpful.

"Not helpful," I told him, feeling slightly queasy at the thought.

"C'mon Saffie, you'll get used to it the more you practice," he encouraged me, and I relented at the earnest look in his eyes. Mark had given me pretty much everything I knew about drag, and he was my number one cheerleader throughout all of it. I owed him this.

I danced the routine we had set up, embarrassed even though Mark was the only one watching me, going through the steps easily. I had practiced enough at home, and the empty club truly was just the same as doing it in Mark's living room.

"See, that was perfect," Mark grinned as I struck the last pose. "Was that so difficult?"

"No," I said reluctantly.

He got up and came over, taking my hands and pulling me into a kiss. When I pulled away I said, "You know, rewarding me for doing things will not condition me like Pavlov's dogs."

"I don't know," he teased. "You drool enough when someone's naked."

I elbowed him and he laughed, grabbing hold of me and dragging me towards the bathrooms. I protested, but in all fairness, it was probably the cleanest those bathrooms had ever been for me fucking someone in them.

Mark didn't bother taking off the heels or the skirt; we'd both learned a long time ago that we absolutely didn't mind fucking in drag. He simply dropped to his knees and almost climbed under the layers of my skirt, fingers straight to the waistband of my underwear and pulling them down.

We never tried to extend the time when we were together. We didn't linger with kisses or touches; it wasn't that kind of arrangement. We simply got each other off with efficient and enthusiastic sex. There were no finer feelings, no entanglement of romantic notions, just simple fucking. It suited us.

"God, yes," I groaned as his lips closed around my cock. I grabbed hold of his head, which was completely covered by my petticoats, and fucked his mouth.

There was a knock at the door, and Mark paused long enough for me to gather my thoughts and said, "Yeah?"

"Harper's here to get you," Taz told me. "Also, if you mess up that bathroom I swear to Lucifer I'm going to murder you."

"Be there in five," I called.

"Optimistic," Mark snorted from under my skirt.

"Alright," Taz replied, amused, and her footsteps sounded that she'd left.

"Don't make a liar out of me," I told Mark.

"Please, like it'll take five minutes to get you and me off," it sounded like he was laughing, and I  leaned against the wall and let him get back to work.

Sequins and Shots - Book Three of the Café Latte TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now