Part Two: Chapter 7

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We are getting close to the end of part two! There are nine chapters for each part (four parts total) - I gotta admit, part two is probably the heaviest emotionally, which is wild considering how Harper's storyline progresses through Book 1...

Love, Cam

Chapter Seven


When I woke up, it felt like I'd gone back in time by five years. Edward was lightly snoring, and my arm was around his waist, my chest pressed to his back. He was warm, and soft, and I wanted to keep him there all day.

But I knew I couldn't. I hadn't gone back in time. I'd done something irrevocably awful, and the worst part was, I wanted to do it again. I wanted him against me, his nails digging into my skin and his lips on my neck, and his breath heavy against me. It had felt so fucking good, to let go, to be with someone who knew me, truly knew me, and loved me anyway.

I got out of bed quietly, trying not to disturb him, and dressed quickly. I left a note on our whiteboard to tell him that I was gone to fulfil my promise, and I'd see him at dinner later with the others, if he still wanted to go.

I hesitated, but added a final thought. I don't regret it, but I want to do better by you. Love you. Harper. x

I then went to complete a task I never thought would be part of my life, because I'd never predicted I'd be such a colossal wanker. I went to Adrian's house, having texted him that I needed to talk to him. I think he knew part of what was coming, because he answered the door with a small, sad smile and invited me in.

He didn't know the other part was coming, though, and I had to tell him. I had promised Edward and I had promised myself, and I was sickened at the thought of what I had done last night. I didn't regret sex with Edward, because I never would regret that, but I hated that I'd once again done something to hurt Adrian and something that cheapened my time with Edward.

"I slept with Edward," I managed to get the words out, sort of hovering in the corridor as though I wanted to keep the front door within eyeshot.

Silence greeted that revelation for a while, and then Adrian breathed out slowly. "Alright," he said, a coldness in his tone that I had never heard before. "When?"

"Last night," I replied, and winced. "I'm so sorry, Adrian, it was a fucking horrendous thing to do, and I've got no excuse. I'm just so sorry."

"Very well," he said, his voice flat. "And I take it this is you coming over to end things here?"

My stomach was turning itself inside out with the guilt and shame, and I nodded. "I don't think we would have worked out. We're so different, and I think... well, honestly, I think you need to be with someone more mature."

He let out a harsh laugh. "Yes, well, that's been well displayed, thank you."

I tried not to inhale too sharply at the hostility in his voice. I deserved it, after all. "I'm not making any excuses. I did a horrible thing. And I'm sorry. I'm really sorry."

There was a pause, and then Adrian said, "I'd like you to leave, now."

I got to my feet immediately, knowing I was a coward to be so relieved at the thought of leaving. But just as I reached the door, Adrian spoke again.

"Harper," he said, and I paused, my hand on the door handle. I turned to look, hoping I didn't look as frightened as I felt by the thought of whatever he was going to say. I felt like something was coming that would really hurt me, but I knew that Adrian deserved to say whatever he needed to right now, and I would listen.

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