Part Two: Chapter 6

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Thank you for your patience while I recovered from the flu! Enjoy!

Love, Cam

Chapter Six


I didn't waste any time. I told Mark the next day, not wanting the burden of this awful thing on me any longer. I had gone home straight after the kiss, and put the lock on my bedroom door in case Harper tried to come talk to me when he got home. I hadn't needed to bother; he didn't wind up coming home at all.

Mark was waiting for me with two iced teas, and I felt like shit from a combination of guilt and the hangover.

"Hey," he greeted me.

"I kissed Harper," I told him, forgoing the greetings. Technically, Harper had kissed me, but the distinction was academic and I certainly had not declined the kiss. I actually had returned the kiss in much more fervent a manner than I'd expected.

Mark blinked, and said, "Isn't he dating that Adrian dude?"

"Yes," I replied.

"Yikes," Mark said, and sipped his iced tea. I waited to see if he was going to throw it at me, but he was just thinking. "Well, you and I hadn't said we were exclusive, so I'm not mad or anything. I am slightly concerned though, because this isn't like you. And honestly, I think it's pretty lousy of you both towards Harper's boyfriend."

"It's beyond lousy," I agreed, feeling the stab of guilt. "God, I hate myself a bit for it. If it helps, the hangover is horrendous. If it helps more, I didn't start the kiss, and I did stop it. Clearly Harper is going through some shit. I hope he feels as bad as me, because this hangover truly is awful."

"Good," Mark said, but smiled to show me he was joking. "That guy didn't really seem to suit Harper, if I'm honest. He was a bit... I don't know. Look, don't get me wrong, I know you lot aren't the best at communication or dealing with your mental health, but I think I'd be the same if I'd come from the same circumstances. Adrian just seemed to have a bit of a superiority complex about him."

I agreed. Adrian had seemed perfectly nice, until we started talking, and then you could see the disdain growing on his face. He flat-out disliked Ross, I could tell, and he was iffy towards me and Mark. He'd seemed to find Raven tolerable. I couldn't see it lasting, especially given that Harper was going around kissing me.

"Look, Ed..." Mark started.

"Oh God," I groaned.

"Let me say it," Mark kicked me under the table lightly. "Ed, I like you. I think we could be fun together, and I think we'd have fun dating. But honestly, I think we might be better off calling it here."

I had expected this. Mark wasn't a very serious person, but he had clear rules, and one of them was 'no dating people who are entangled with other people'. "It's just complicated," I rested my head on the table, feeling him stroke my hair gently. "I thought we could be friends, me and Harper. I thought it was all done with."

"I'm sure you did," he replied. "But clearly, there are unresolved feelings here, and I think you both clearly need to talk about it. I mean, if there's enough to make him go for it despite having a boyfriend, I really do think you've got to sort it out."

"I know," I heaved a sigh and looked up. "I'm sorry, for what it's worth."

"It's not me you've got to apologise to," he shrugged. "Baby, I think you're fantastic, and I love you more than words can say. But I don't want to get involved in the middle of a mess. I don't like mess. So sort it out, and if you find yourself single and you've sorted your feelings out, you can tell me so."

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