Part Two: Chapter 1

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My partner: You uploaded Sequins and Shots, right?

Me: Absolutely, why?

My partner: I'm not seeing the new chapter.

Me: ...balls.

I am hopeless and I apologise. Normal uploads resume Sunday!

Love, Cam

Part Two

Chapter One



I looked up to see Theo looking at me enquiringly. I frowned; I hadn't heard the question. "Sorry, Theo, in another world. What's up?"

"Have you got the council request forms for the block party?" he asked.

I nodded and leaned over my desk to grab the forms and pass them to him. "Just need Susan's stamp before they go off."

Theo nodded and took them. "See you."

"You're welcome," I muttered under my breath as he left. Theo was not one for thanking anyone for doing anything, but he got pissy as hell if someone didn't thank him. Typical.

Work was dragging today, because I kept checking the clock to make sure I wouldn't be late for dinner with my friends. That of course meant that the clock felt like it was barely moving. I slumped back in my chair, catching the attention of the person next to me.

"You okay?" Katie asked. "You've been fidgety all day."

"Sorry," I grimaced. "I've got a dinner thing tonight and it feels like everything is just taking forever today."

"I hear you," she replied, with a twinkle in her eyes. "Date night?"

I almost laughed in her face. "No, just with friends, but the food is so good," I replied. "I haven't had a date in what feels like a millennia."

Katie eyed me and said, "I can't see why. You're a good-looking man, if you like the sort."

"The sort?!"

"You know what I mean, the tall, slim guys," she waved her hand dismissively. "And frankly I know a lot of gay men, and I know all of them like the tall, slim guys."

"Mmm," I said, trying not to encourage the conversation. Lots of gay guys did like tall, slim men, especially if they were tops looking for a bottom. But they did somewhat get put off by the great big whacking HIV diagnosis.

"Maybe I could set you up," she said, her eyes lighting up.

"God, no," I said vehemently. "No, thank you."

Katie cast a surprised look at me. "That was heartfelt. Someone you got your eye on already?"

"No," I replied, far, far too quickly. I was used to saying no to that question, even if it was just in my head. Katie raised her eyebrows in surprise, and I groaned. "I have a crush on someone, it's never going to work, we've been there, tried that. It was not a particularly good experience for either of us."

"Oh, that's a shame," she said, sounding genuinely disappointed for me. "How long ago was it?"

I knew the answer; it was a bit sad that I knew the exact time Ed and I had given up on it, and how long ago that was. "Five years ago," I replied. "We dated for a few months, and it collapsed around us. We just weren't suited."

Sequins and Shots - Book Three of the Café Latte TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now