Part One: Chapter 7

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Happy Sunday! This chapter contains Very Sexy Times. Once again, I do try to make my sex scenes realistic, and the characters use protection, and talk about what they want. Consent and enthusiastic enjoyment is the best way to bang. Enjoy the smut.

Love, Cam

Chapter Seven


To say I was nervous was probably the biggest understatement anyone has ever made in their life. I didn't even know why I was nervous; it wasn't like I'd never been in this situation before. Well, I'd been in situations where I'd been going to somebody's house for sex, not necessarily situations where I wanted things other than sex from that somebody.

"Ross isn't here," Harper announced when he opened the door.

I hadn't actually considered that, and then grimaced at the thought of Ross being there. "Thank God for that."

"He would rate our performance out of ten," Harper intoned solemnly, and let me into the flat on that ominous nightmare fuel.

It was as though I'd never been there before. I walked to the sofa and sat down on it as though I was a complete stranger, not someone who had been here three times a week for several months. It felt like I was on a first date with someone I'd never met before today.

Harper sat next to me, and we were both silent for a long minute until Harper finally said, "Jesus Christ, I don't usually get stuck for words around you."

"And usually I'm not dealing with sweaty palms and nervous teeth-grinding," I admitted, grinning sheepishly. "Are we being wankers?"

"Maybe," he chuckled, and took my hand, despite my protests. "Look, I talked to Ross, and he basically told me that he's okay with this, and that we suit each other, and that if it ends in disaster he's going to verbally abuse us until we agree to be friends."

That sounded optimistic coming from Ross. "That's nice of him, in his own weird way."

Harper snorted. "It was fucking magical, for Ross. He might as well have approved our wedding, I was that stunned by it."

I slotted my fingers between his and leaned against him, my head resting on his shoulder. "I agree with his plan, though. I wouldn't want to lose you as a mate if this doesn't work out between us."

Harper stilled for a moment, and then relaxed and nodded. "Yeah. Me too. Although I don't think you quite know what you're getting yourself in for with verbal abuse from Ross."

I laughed, and we decided to put a film on and have a drink. It was a comedy, and it was pretty funny mostly due to how terrible it was. I had thought I'd be distracted during the entire thing, with Harper right next to me, but his sardonic commentary on the film and the actors made me laugh and get absorbed into a roast alongside him. Our awkwardness dissolved as the film went on and we got increasingly harsh in our sarcastic comments. 

I tended to move about a lot when watching something, changing sitting positions a thousand times. I crossed my legs, then uncrossed them to fold them one over the other. I sat on the sofa, then I sat on the floor, then back to the sofa. I put my feet in Harper's lap, then I changed so my head was in his lap. Eventually I wound up on the floor, sat between his legs as he sat on the sofa, and he was playing absent-mindedly with my hair.

"That was a heap of shit," he said, as the credits rolled.

"I know, it was perfect," I smiled.

He pulled my hair gently, causing my head to fall back against the sofa. He leaned down and kissed me. It was an awkward kiss, upside down and a difficult angle, and absolutely not doing justice to either of us, so I moved. I turned around and came to straddle his thighs, kissing him properly. I heard a sharp intake of breath just before our lips met, and Harper's hands came to rest tentatively on my hips.

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