Chapter 3

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It was a chilly night even though it was the middle of summer. Cuzo Cunning slipped on his black hoodie on top of his white t-shirt and jeans and shook his old clothes. It was difficult to see in the darkness of the alleyway but he tried inspecting his clothes nonetheless. The police were almost always right behind his trail recently. Had they planted tracking devices on his clothes? However, after a thorough check of his coat and pants, he found nothing. He checked his shawl next, whose only use was to cover the string of poison bottles and bombs he wore around his neck. He found nothing out of the ordinary.

Must be normal surveillance cameras, then.

Cuzo stuffed his killer clothes in the broken metal donation box and closed the lid. With the clothes he was wearing now, he could blend in with most of the boys his age. Almost every young dude wore this outfit nowadays. He should be safe. Cuzo put his hood up and walked to the edge of the alleyway. He glanced at the situation – not many people around – and walked out of the alley. He slipped up his black mask over his face and walked down the sidewalk in a casual manner. A smirk pulled up on his face as he recalled his killings today. Three murderers in one day – phew! He was on a roll.

Though, I have to be, Cuzo thought, smile receding. Can't have the police catch me before I've finished my mission. That would be painstaking.

He stopped midway on the sidewalk and glanced into the shop beside him, loud and bright, even at this time of night. He opened the doors and entered. Few people glanced his way; most were absorbed in their own talks. The heavy smell of whiskey flitted in the air and low rock music played from a speaker in the corner. Cuzo took a seat at an empty table and leaned back. It was warmer in here than outside, and that was the only reason Cuzo would ever walk into a bar. Aside from the fact it was a place for heavy gossip – an essential element in his missions. How else would he hear the news of the latest murders? Cuzo's chilly fingers began to defrost in the warmth of the bar as he pulled out his phone. All right, a third reason he was here. Free Wi-Fi. Cuzo's phone was useless except in places like these. He had no billing plan – anymore – and he couldn't afford to get one. He did not need to leave any excess clues to aid the police in finding his location – which he didn't really have – considering he had no home anymore. Cuzo stared down at his phone and smiled when the connection was established. He clicked on an app, where all the murderers he was going after were displayed in a list. He stopped at the names of several murderers he had killed years ago: Viel Hunter, Silvan Cross, Dominick Gregory. He stared at their faces, remembering just how much trouble they had given him -before smirking. He was glad they were gone.

Cuzo continued to scroll down the list until he reached his current killing. He crossed out the picture and name of Gyo Millington with a digital red pen and stared at the murderer listed below. He would be going after him next. There was no time to waste. The police were gearing up which meant Cuzo needed to as well. He had to remain one step ahead of them at all times.

Cuzo smirked, recalling Officer Leroy and Ariese's gig outfits. Leroy really looked like a gentleman, with his hair jelled back and in that fancy suit. And Officer Ariese... if Officer Leroy wasn't fidgeting so badly beside her in his tie, Cuzo would never have recognised her. Personally, he didn't think her attitude suited her outfit at the party. She was meant to be a police officer – it was destiny.

Cuzo focused back to the present and trained his eyes on his next target. James Muller. He would go after him next. Some notes Cuzo had written beside his name helped with the location of his crimes and the names of his victims.

He had killed two men from the Gracias family at Boulevard. A third victim was an eight-year-old girl from the Rashon household, whose body was found near Darlington. The two households were family friends, which meant that the murderer may have had some grudge against them and was eliminating its members. All three murders were committed near the two households, which meant James Muller's next victim would most likely be killed around the same place. The only member left of the Gracias family was Mrs. Gracias and from the Rashon family, both parents of the eight-year-old girl.

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