Chapter 11

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Leroy sat in the office, his coffee gone cold. He did nothing but stare at it as his colleagues joined him in the room. Keven was last, shutting the door behind him as he entered. He wore an elated smirk as he went to brew himself some coffee beside Levias.


The blonde officer looked up. Officer Don was staring at him.

"You've been staring at your cup for a couple minutes now. Have something on your mind?"

"Why wouldn't he?" Keven piped elatedly, leaning on the counter. "We just caught Cuzo Cunning! It feels like my career is over or something."

"You weren't even there," Levias said, pushing Keven slightly from in front of the mug tray. "So what are you boasting about?"

"Excuse me," Keven shook his head. "Some respect you have."

"We're both seniors," Levias frowned. "Why would I respect you?"

"I'm older."

"Quit it," Don said, hanging her arm behind the couch. "Leroy?"

Leroy looked at her with a sigh. "It's nothing."

"It's not nothing," Don said, sipping from her mug. "It's Cunning."

Leroy pursed his lips. "He won't give us his motive," Leroy finally said. "I'm curious to know why he's been doing what he has."

"It's simple," Keven said, walking toward the coach and leaning on it. "Half his family was murdered. After that, he went on a killing spree – just to make it seem like a good cause – he went after other murderers. That would make himself feel better by the faulty excuse he was doing the right thing. He was just angry after it happened and killing was his method of letting it all out."

Leroy furrowed his eyebrows. "I don't believe that's it. Maybe some of that's true, but there's more to it. Also, do we know why his mother and sister were killed?"

"It doesn't matter," Levias said, sitting on the single couch with his coffee. "Our only job was to arrest Cunning, and that's what we did. His past doesn't concern us. I can't wait to see Chief's face when we report we've finally caught Cunning. He's coming back tomorrow, right?"

"Right," Keven nodded before turning back to Leroy. "Cunning might end up giving up his motive during his trial to defend himself. If you're really curious, Leroy, wait 'till then."

Leroy averted his eyes back to the black liquid in his mug. He frowned, clearly unsatisfied.

Deceased and missing... Cunning's past was becoming more bothersome than Leroy was hoping it would be.

That night, Cuzo had found a remote to the TV in the corner of the cell ceiling. As a force of habit, he turned on the news. He propped himself on one arm as he listened to the reporter standing in front of the mafia gang's hideout. He narrowed his eyes.

"-completely obliterating the gang," the newswoman was saying. "All four-hundred and fifteen members were identified among the dead corpses." Cuzo smiled slowly. Thank God. 

"However, in light of Mr. Cunning's arrest, several videos have been posted on social media, where murderers are openly exposing themselves as a form of mockery against Cunning. Some have went as far as killing victims on live camera, perhaps as a celebration of winning the war Cunning had waged against all murderers."

Cuzo sat up on his bed alarmed. More murderers? Killing openly on camera? To mock me? His lips pulled up in a snarl, exposing his canine. Like I'll let you win, he thought venomously. I'll send you all to hell before me, mark my words. This cell can't stop me.

Cause a RiotOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora