Chapter 28

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"So you're saying we only take care of the missions too high for the police, am I getting it?"

Cuzo was sitting in a small room in a huge building. In front of him sat a man much older than him, with grey hair and a beard with a black suit on. Behind the man stood six other people, leaning on the chairs and tables, less formally dressed than the man in the suit. Cuzo, himself, was dressed casually seeing as he had no formal wear. A buttoned-up navy-coloured shirt and jeans were the best he could come up with. He had been embarrassed to walk into the building in that outfit but when he saw the other agents here, he realized he didn't have to be.

This was the specialized task force he'd been assigned to work with.

"Mostly," the man responded. "However, you are only going to work on cases that require the execution of the perpetrator – seeing as you have a feel for doing that."

Cuzo frowned. "I don't like killing," he said. "Believe it or not. I don't enjoy other people's misery – trust me I don't. The only reason I resorted to killing was because those monsters needed to know what it felt like. You should also note that I went after killers who had murdered consciously – not by accident – or had killed more than three people."

"Wow," a man smiled down at Cuzo from where he leaned on the wall behind the desk. "You set up a whole criterion."

"Exactly," Cuzo said. "So if you assign me to tasks where I am not required to kill, I wouldn't mind."

The man in front of him - Agent Kazan - nodded. "Although, you should note that we don't assign you anything," he said. "You choose your own missions. We just ought to be informed first, that's all, so that there isn't more people than necessary on the case. Also note that we aren't puppets the way you think we are – the police may be but not us." He looked sternly at Cuzo with an air of authority and strictness that Cuzo wasn't used to. "We can refuse the government whenever we want though we hardly do because there isn't much reason for it. If there's a task we don't like, we usually compromise a deal. If we can't compromise, we flat out refuse."

Cuzo whistled. "I like the sound of that."

"Of course you do," the same man from before laughed. Agent Kazan shot him a look.

"You never shut up," another man sighed.

The man laughed again – by now Cuzo seemed like he'd need to have some way to identify him. Short orange hair and a spunky smile.

"Anyway," Agent Kazan sighed. "So far you seem to be fine with all our conditions."

"Yeah, it all seems cool," Cuzo said with a smile. "I think I might enjoy it." Orange hair laughed again and everyone shot him a look. Cuzo ignored it. "Do we ever work with the police?"

"No question asked," Agent Kazan answered firmly. "They're all our subordinates. We show them our badges and they do whatever we need them to."

Cuzo frowned. "We seem to have more freedom and authority than I thought was possible for agents with such dangerous tasks."

"It's not like we can't be imprisoned," Agent Kazan said. "We're not above the law. We must still abide by the criminal code but yes, it's true we have more freedom than the police in solving cases. Mostly because no one knows we're officers. We remain like phantoms that protect this society. No uniform, no title even. No citizen should know we're officers working on a case. We're undercover at all times. We hold meetings often to keep track of one another but really that's it. We scarcely work as a group since everyone here is a professional expertise in his or her field. If we want to work with another, we only need that person's consent."

Cuzo nodded, a little impressed. "So, just a fun question. Were you guys assigned to capture me at any point?"

"No," Agent Kazan said. "Until all police forces failed, we were not told to actively pursue you."

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