Chapter 18

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Malroy approached the door as the bell sounded for the second time. He grumbled from sleep, feeling exhausted from tending to Cuzo's wounds yesterday, which had reopened because of Cuzo moving so much in his sleep.

Malroy opened the door, not surprised to see Officer Ariese standing there, but slightly curious when he didn't see Officer Leroy.

"Hello," she greeted. "I'm sorry to bother you. I know it's early, but I just had a few quick questions. We found some promising details on your dad's case but need more elaboration on some things. Do you mind?"

"No," Malroy said, almost automatically. "Come in."

"Oh no, it shouldn't take long," Officer Ariese said. "Could you just tell me if you had any relatives?"

"From my dad side, no."

"Not a single one? What about grandfather or grandmother?"

"Not that I knew of. I'd never met them and neither did I hear anyone talk about them."

"Is it possible that Cuzo would know?"

"Maybe. You'll have to come in then. He can't move."

Ariese frowned understandingly and entered the house, following Malroy to the living room where Cuzo lay, staring at the TV screen in front of the couch. Ariese glanced at the hoard of people with their banners raised in Cuzo's defense on the screen. She even spotted Keven and Don in the crowd, trying to dismantle the hoard. They didn't seem to be having much luck.

Cuzo lazily glanced at Ariese and Malroy at the entrance of the room.

"I apologize deeply," Ariese said. "I know your not wel-"

"They're dead."


Cuzo averted his eyes back to the TV. "Our paternal grandparents were dead for a long time before my dad married. As for other relatives, none from my dad side, but my mom had her mom and two sisters. My maternal grandma died when I was eleven. My aunts are still alive but they're in Mexico right now. They're kinda old, themselves."

"I see. Any cousins?"


"Lonely family," Officer Ariese commented, dryly.

"Nah, we were happy."

"Well, thank you, both. This helps me concrete my suspicion. I have to go to the station now, but we'll be back shortly to fill you in on what we've discovered. I'll take my leave now."

Cuzo didn't respond so Malroy led Officer Ariese back outside. She nodded her farewell and drove out of their parking lot.

Leroy met Ariese in the station's parking lot. They headed to the side of the building where there was a netted fence lining the parameter. Leroy leaned on it before speaking. "I asked Chief if we could come over to discuss a few things, but he said he wouldn't be free for a long while. He's currently been staying at a hotel at the other end of the city where one of his missions is taking place."

"Probably trying to avoid us going to his house," Ariese said.

"Doubt it," Leroy said, defensively.

"I went over and asked Cunning about his relatives," Ariese continued. "They just have two old aunts in Mexico. Since Dian hadn't traveled internationally, he didn't go there for hiding."

"Which means the only option he'd have is Chief's place."


"You know, I feel disgusted that we're making Chief a primary suspect in this case," Leroy ruffed, looking away. "I mean, Chief is... Chief. Our boss. How could he do something like that?"

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