Chapter 25

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'The night was quiet and cold as Cuzo heard footsteps enter the alleyway he was in. Cold blue shades filtered the city and the moon shone softly in the clear sky. He smiled weakly at Ryan as he approached, it having been four months since they had seen each other.

"Hey," Ryan said, his voice unnaturally empty.

"Hi," Cuzo replied, echoing the same emptiness. "I can see it's not just me who's doing poorly."

Ryan sighed and leaned against the wall beside Cuzo, sliding to the floor. "I'm sorry it's been so long," he said. "I couldn't get away. My parents are really mad. I wish they'd disown me already but I'm the only kid they got. They'll bend and shape me until they can produce the diamond they want, even if I'm proving to be difficult." Cuzo nodded. There was a moment of silence before Ryan spoke again. "I was going to bring you food and some extra winter clothes but I thought of a better idea. I'll sneak you and Malroy into my house so you could sleep the night. It's way too cold to be out here. You know, I was slightly afraid I wouldn't find you when I snuck out tonight. I didn't think you'd survive the last snowstorm. There are still two months of winter left though. You should spend it in my house." Ryan looked up at Cuzo, who had remained standing. He was suddenly alarmed. "Where's Malroy?!"

"He's okay," Cuzo said quickly. "He's asleep in the car garage."

"Oh," Ryan sighed with relief. "So why are you out?"



Cuzo looked at the sky. "If I did something really bad, would you still be my friend?"

Ryan gave him a curious look. "Depends. What did you do?"

Cuzo gave a small smile. "I've been killing people," he said, ready for an alarmed reaction but Ryan merely frowned. Cuzo was surprised at the calm response. "I'm serious," Cuzo said.

"Why?" Ryan asked.

"Because they had or were going to kill other people."

"Oh. That's okay then."

"Really?" Cuzo asked, surprised.

"I mean, you technically did the right thing by killing them if they were going to kill someone else. What am I supposed to do about it, right?"

"I see. Thanks, Ryan."

"I'm not encouraging you," Ryan said. "But honestly, I got a gazillion more serious things to worry about."

Cuzo gave a dry laugh. "Killing people isn't something serious?"

"It is but they were accidents, right? Why bother thinking about them now?"

"They weren't accidents."

Ryan frowned. "Well, they were hasty decisions."

Cuzo sighed and looked back up at the sky, at the moon. "I'm purposefully going after murderers, Ryan, and killing them. I'm tracking them down and annihilating them one by one." Ryan frowned but sighed again like he really didn't want to care about the topic. He stood up and grabbed Cuzo's shoulder. "You can kill me next," he said, pulling Cuzo out of the alleyway. Cuzo didn't know if he was joking or not. "Let's get Malroy and go to my place. My fingers are beginning to freeze."

Cuzo looked down as they walked toward the car garage. He had been nervous to tell Ryan despite wanting to for so long. He felt good. Even better that Ryan didn't give an alarming response. He smiled, something he only did when Ryan was around. Whether Ryan was in a good mood or not, he always made Cuzo happy.

It came as a surprise to Cuzo four years later when he got the news Ryan had attempted suicide.'

The door of the chamber opened and three people were brought in, all with their hands tied behind their back. Cuzo's eyes widened when they fell on the incomers.

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