Chapter 19

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'Cuzo shivered madly in the winter cold, Ryan's old winter jacket not doing enough to keep him warm. The sidewalk he and Malroy walked on was covered in snow that leaked into the bottom of their soleless shoes and iced their toes. Their breaths gave way to small white smoke clouds and Malroy pressed against Cuzo to keep his body warm. Their eyes bore no shine. They had died a long time ago, really, but their bodies continued to strive one way or another. Scarred, hungry, and cold, the two teenagers found little comfort in living. Ryan's parents had found out he was hanging out with street kids and had grounded him. They hardly saw him anymore, barely once or twice a month when he managed to sneak out. Cuzo missed him but felt terrible for meeting him – the trouble he had gotten into with his parents wasn't worth their meeting.

Malroy and Cuzo had even gotten into fights with some of the other hobos on the streets – and were beaten badly more often than not. Cuzo was tired of fighting – for life, for honor, for a simple day without suffering pain. He just let people push him around now.

Cuzo bumped into a man absentmindedly and stumbled back. "Ugh! Watch where you're goin', brat!" the man shouted, his wife and kids making a face at Cuzo's dirty face and clothes.

"Sorry," Cuzo said in a monotone manner, pulling Malroy with him out of their path.

"You're damn right you are!" the man ruffed as he pushed Cuzo's shoulder harshly, making more room than was necessary for his family and him to walk through. Cuzo ignored the man's harsh insults, quite used to hearing vulgarity by now, and walked into an alleyway to avoid the disgusted or pitiful glares from the bystanders who had seen the commotion.

"Make a wish," Cuzo said to Malroy, looking at the floor.


"Just do it."

"I wish to be warm."

"Not that kind of wish."

"Then what kind?"

"Something luxurious or big. Nothing as small as food and shelter."

"That's pointless."

Cuzo's teeth clattered. "For example, I wish for a motorcycle – or to go to high school."

Malroy snorted. "What kind of useless wishes are those? Keep dreaming."

"There's nothing wrong with dreaming, Malroy."

"All I want is a place to warm up and eat," Malroy said. Cuzo furrowed his eyebrows.

"Think of something else you wish for."

"Why, though? Why would I do something so-"

"Ugh! It's just to distract ourselves, okay? Now just make a proper damn wish, Malroy."

Malroy was quiet for a long moment so Cuzo gave him a quick glance. His cheeks and nose were red from the cold and his lips were blue.

"If there was only one wish I had to spend, then I probably wouldn't spend it on food or warmth," Malroy said. "Because those things are temporary, and I'll get hungry and cold again instantly. So, if I had the ability to get one wish granted, it wouldn't be for me, it would be for the betterment of the city. I'm going to die soon, anyway. I have no hope for myself."

Cuzo frowned, not wanting to hear those words coming from his younger brother's mouth. He was only thirteen, after all. He shouldn't have to say such selfless phrases. "Then... what is your wish?"

"I wish..." Malroy looked directly into Cuzo's eyes. "That there was no such thing as killing – as murderers. Then we – and thousands of people out there – wouldn't have to suffer so much. Without murderers, this city would be a better place for families in future generations to live."

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