Chapter 12

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'Cuzo and Malroy had just arrived home from basketball practice that day from school. It was late and they were exhausted thoroughly from the game. The sky was a blend of purple and pink with patches of grey clouds. The grass smelled fresh and was wet with raindrops, it having rained all evening. As the two brothers walked toward the dark silhouette of their house, Cuzo couldn't help but notice their dad's car wasn't in the driveway like usual. He would've been home a long time ago from work, the thought ran through his head. Schools ends at 3:00. The two walked up the driveway to the doorsteps, Malroy looking nothing less than drained.

"I hope Mom made a big meal," he whined. "I'm so hungry I could eat this basketball!"

They approached the door and rang the bell, their sister opening the door right after. "Look who's home," she smirked. "It was so peaceful in the house."

"Clam up," Cuzo smirked back, walking in. "Just what are you implying, Janna?"

Malroy threw his coat off and ran for the kitchen without the slightest interest in the world in their conversation. "Mom! What did you make?! I'm starving!"

Janna laughed. "Come," she said. "Practice must have worn you out."

Cuzo walked inside after his sister, his mom and Malroy in the living room on the couch. The TV screen was paused. It looked like Janna and Mom were watching a movie. There was food on the table in front of them, where Malroy was scooping huge spoons of spaghetti.

"How was practice?" his mom asked.

"Good," Cuzo answered briefly, feeling hungry himself. He sat at the table and grabbed a bowl. "Where's Dad?" he asked, scooping his meal from the tray.

"I don't know," his mother said, a little surprised. "I thought he went to pick you up? He's not with you?"

"No," Cuzo answered. "He told Ken's parents to drop us off."

"Oh," their mother looked worried. "He never messaged me where he went."

"Who cares?" Janna asked, plopping down beside their mom on the couch, grabbing the remote. "Let's finish the movie. It was just getting good."

Cuzo and Malroy took their places on the couch and watched the FBI agent on screen walking around the dusty old room where caution tape prevented entry.

"The murder's hiding here," he said to his partner, gun in hand. "Be alert. He's expecting us."

A while later, as Cuzo's eyes were fixed on the screen, the sound of keys jingling sounded at the door. Footsteps sounded in the house at the entrance, walking closer. Their mother stood up with a relieved sigh. "He was taking so long," she mumbled to herself, walking out of the room to greet their dad. Janna didn't pause the TV, her younger brothers watching with mouths hanging open in anxiousness.

The police had arrived in the trashed basement, where blood was staining the walls. Malroy gripped Cuzo's sleeve absentminded, scared. Cuzo had put away his bowl, eyes wide with anticipation. He's coming, he thought. The killer's going to jump them at any moment.


Cuzo and Malroy yelled, Janna jumping to her feet. "What the hell?" She fixed her eyes at the living room entrance, nervous. "It sounded so real," she commented, shaken.

Cuzo looked up at her. She pursed her lips and walked out of the room to the hallway. The TV was still on and as Cuzo and Malroy hugged one another. Finally, the murderer showed his hideous face. He jumped behind the officers and pressed the trigger.

Bang! Bang!

Cuzo's heart jumped and he was suddenly on his feet, too. His heart was pumping rapidly as he stared at the door.

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