It Takes A Team

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In tunnels, turtles follow April to the lab then she stops and lifts her hand up as a signal. April points at the device mounted on the wall making Cheyenne duck under it and she opens the cover. "Alarms in the sewers?" Tasneem said to them while Donnie walks over to Cheyenne and he extracts some wires. "Is this guy paranoid or what?" Mikey asks them. "Will you shut it?" Raph said to him making Mikey look at him. "Just saying." Mikey said to him. "It is a little off." Tasneem said to them making Donnie turn to them. "Could Cheyenne and I have some quiet? This is delicate work." Donnie said to them and he turns to back to the item. "Ooh, Cheyenne and I. This is delicate work. Gimme a break." Mikey said to them making Tasneem pull on Mikey's mask ends. "Ow!" Mikey yelled making Tasneem laugh a little.

In The Stocktronics

Two guards patrol the hallways and they pass a grate on the wall that swings open. "Is this the place?" Jamey asks April. "There's a computer terminal in that lab. Get me in and I can create blank spots in the security system to get your through to Dr. Stockman's main lab." April said to them. "Don't look now, but we already got a blank spot right here." Raph said to her while he jerks a thumb over his shoulder in Michelangelo's direction. "Hey!" Mikey said to them making Tasneem pat Mikey's shoulder. Raphael grasps the top of the opening and swings through, landing quietly in the corridor. Raph then glances around while Jamey helps April out of the air duct. Raphael checks the door to the lab and finds it locked while Jamey and April walk over to him as Raph pulls out his sai. Raph turns to Jamey and gives her a cocky look making Jamey roll her eyes at him. Raph then turns back to the door and proceeds to pick the lock on the door. The door opens and everyone runs into the room then April runs over to the control console and sits down then begins typing. "Okay, I'm in." April said to them and she looks at the turtles. "I'm blanking the cameras along that corridor at ten-second intervals, so you've got to keep moving." April said to them then she looks back at the terminal. "We'll be right back." Jesse said to her. "Good luck." April said to them then glances behind her again but the turtles are gone. "Hey, these guys are good." April said to herself.

Turtles ran through the corridor to get to the main lab. They enter the factory through a sliding door while holding their weapons and they walk silently into the factory. "This is too quiet." Leo said to them. "Uh, guys? My turtle sense is tingling." Mikey said to them. "Just like Spiderman." Tasneem said to herself then the door slides shut behind them. "Intruders? Here to steal my secrets?" Stockman said as the lights were turned on. "You'll leave here with nothing, not even your lives." Stockman said to them. "Scary" Tasneem said to herself. "What on Earth are you? Hmm. I suppose I'll have to dissect you to find out." Stockman said as robotic arms come down from the ceiling. The robotic arms begin firing lasers at turtles making them scatter leaping out of the way of the lasers. Leo jumps behind a pillar but the arms fire at him before Leo can move out of the way Jesse tackles Leo out of the line of fire. "Thanks." Leo said to her. "You're welcome." Jesse said to him while Tasneem jumps and rolls away from the lasers as Mikey was doing acrobatics to avoid laser fire. Two lasers track Raph and Jamey as they run past Leo and Jesse. "Guys! Heads up!" Jesse yelled as Leo darted in front of Raph and Jamey then he crosses swords and catches a blast on them, redirects the laser back on itself, and blows up the robotic arm. Cheyenne and Donnie run across the floor then the two use their bo staff as pole vault and leap onto one of the robotic arms. Donnie turns it so that it fires at two other robotic arms and destroys them making the others cheer. Cheyenne flips open the control panel and yanks wires then the two jump down. Robotic arms spin wildly and then explodes while the turtles all run toward the observation room and Stockman. Then another arm fire at them the turtles making Raphael flips his hands over to stand directly beneath the observation room while the others take cover. "Showoff." Jamey said to herself. "Mikey! Slingshot!" Raph yelled making Mikey run over to him while dodging the blasts and leaping into Raph's clasped hands. Uses that to spring up to the observation room and lands on a ledge in front of the glass window pane. Stockman steps back, arm over face, and Michelangelo used a nunchuck to smash the glass. Stockman falls over onto his back while Leo and Jesse jump into the room and stand next to Mikey. "Your reign of terror is over, Stockman." Leo said to them making Jesse places her hand on Leo's shoulder. "You been practicing that?" Jesse asks him while the others join them in the room. "You like it?" Leo asks her while Stockman looks at the turtles. "What are you?" Stockman asks them before Jesse can answer Leo. "They're with me." April said as she enters the room. "April! You're alive!" Stockman yelled in shock. "And kicking." April said to him as she walks forward to where Stockman who crawled away from her. "I've got enough evidence to put you away for years, Dr. Stockman." April said to him then Stockman reaches out and presses a button. Raphael grabs him by the coat lapels and shoves him back against the console. "That's enough." Raph said to him. "Ha! Too late. I've recalled the Mouser hoard from their latest mission. They'll be here any second. They'll tear you to pieces." Stockman said to them. "April..." Leo calls her making April run over to the control panel. "I'll have to shut the whole system down." April said to them while Cheyenne and Donnie walk over to her. "We will help you." Cheyenne said to her. "You're doomed. Listen." Stockman said to them then the factory door opens, and Mousers march inside.  "April now's the time." Leo said to her while Tasneem and Mikey look through the doorway to the floor below. At the base of the ladder are dozens of Mousers, who begin climbing the ladder. "Ah, the system isn't responding." Cheyenne said to them then she looks at Donnie who begins typing. Raphael looks at Jamey who was long out the window and he doesn't see Stockman sneaking away. "You should never have matched wits with me." Stockman said as he runs to the elevator. "He's getting away!" Mikey yelled as he runs to the elevator as the doors closes. "Let him go, we've got bigger problems." Jamey said to him as the Mousers begin flowing into the observation room all around them. "At least we'll go out fighting." Raph said to them. "Actually, I don't wanna go out at all." Mikey said to him. "It's not working." April said to Donnie and Cheyenne. "Keep trying." Donnie said to her. "This is it. It's been fun guys." Raph said to them. "Even me, Raph?" Mikey asks him. "Even you, Mikey." Raph said to him then he looks at Jamey. "Especially you." Raph said to her making Jamey look at him. 

April frantically typed then she presses a button and Mousers all froze in place. Yellow lights on the tops of their heads are flashing. Leonardo taps the snout of Mouser with his sword. It doesn't move making the turtles start cheering. "Good job, April! I've never seen anything like that." Donnie said to them while Mikey picks up a Mouser. "Hah, loser!" Mikey yelled at it. "Um, guys, guys! I wasn't able to shut them down." April said to them. "They look pretty shut down to me." Tasneem said to her while she taps the snout of Mouser that Mikey was holding. "The only way I could stop them was by initiating an overload sequence." April said to them as smoke starts billowing from Mousers. "In other words..." Tasneem said while Mikey tosses the Mouser on the ground. "Let's get out of here!" Mikey yelled then the group leaped through the broken window to the factory floor. Donnie picks up April and leaps to the floor with her in his arms. Donnie puts April down and grasps her hand, pulling her along as they make a beeline for the exit just as the Mousers explode.

Back at the lair, everyone was watching TV the news. "And the authorities are completely perplexed by the destruction of the Stocktronics building and sudden disappearance of Dr. Baxter Stockman." The Newscaster said on the tv. "What will you do now, Miss O'Neil? You are most definitely out of a job." Splinter said to her. "I'm not exactly sure." April said to him making Donnie walk over to her. "We'll help you get back on your feet." Donnie said to her with a smile. "You guys, you've all been, well, great. And by guys, I guess I mean eight big, green-talking turtles and a giant talking rat." April said to them with a smile. "Here's to the new team!" Tasneem yelled making the group put their cups together then they all lift their cups and cheered.

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