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My name is Donatello, and I'm usually into building things. This particular thing, I'd like to take apart, real fast...before it takes us apart. - Donnie

In New York, Two Days Later

The Turtles were on their way to April who has moved into an antique store named "2nd Time Around" a shop that belong to her dad that she decided to reopen and the turtles were going to help her. 

The Turtles' Battle Shell drives down the street with Casey behind them on his motorcycle. Casey follows them into an alley where their park near the back door to April's shop. Inside, April was dusting when she heard the doorbell ring and she pretty much knew who it was. April opens the door and sees Mikey and Tasneem standing there. "Hi, April, Green Brothers, and Sisters Movers and Schleppers reporting for duty." Mikey said to her. "Hey, guys, thanks for coming. I need all the help I can get." April said to her as she motioned for them all to come inside. "Mikey and Tasneem, you two can start by moving those big, heavy boxes." April said to them while she points inside the shop. "Sure, April." Tasneem said to her with a smile. "Just let me put on my hernia truss." Mikey said joking. "Right over there, wise guy." April said to him as Tasneem leads Mikey to the boxes. "Cheyenne and Donnie, if you two don't mind I've got a heater that won't heat." April said to the two. "Hence, these." Donnie said showing her a tool he had brought while having a huge sack slung over his shoulder. "We are on April." Cheyenne said to her while holding metal pipes in her hand. Donnie and Cheyenne walk away while April looks at Raph and Jamey. "You two, that whole wall of antiques needs moving – carefully." April said to the two. "Hey, I'm a ninja." Raph said as Jamey walks behind Raph. "Not a --" Raph said then Jamey pushes him over to the wall. "Your wish is our command, April." Jamey said to her. "Finally, Jesse and Leo can you two put up those little figurines in the box on the shelf." April said to them. "No problem." The two said in unison and then Casey walks in making April surprised. "You're...not a turtle." April said to him. "Uh, definitely not." Casey said to her as the two stared at each other. "Hope you don't mind, we brought along a friend." Jesse said to April who holds up her hand to shake but Casey waved instead of taking it. "Yo, uh, Casey. Casey Jones." Casey said to her and he walks past her. "Hey, uh, nice junk." Casey said talking about the antiques. "It was my dad's. The shop, I mean. I'm reopening it, for now, until I figure out what to do with myself. My last job ended kind of weirdly." April said to him as she tosses the duster aside. "Oh, I get it. While you're waiting for a real job to come along, you're just hiding out in your pop's junk shop. It's cool." Casey said to her. "It's an antique shop, and I'm not hiding from anything." April said to him starting to get angry. "Hey, whatever, babe." Casey said to her and he walks over to Raph and Jamey. "Babe?" April repeated with her cheeks redden. "Hey Jamey, that's a two-man job." Casey said to her making Jamey sigh and she steps aside. Casey and Raph start moving the cabinet that was full of china. "Guys, guys, careful." April said to two and she walks over to the two. "That's very rare..." April said then the Cabinet tilts forward and china slides out, shattering on the floor. "Antique china." April said to them. "Hey, relax." Casey said to her as he sets the cabinet down. "We'll clean it up." Casey said to her. "Argh!" April shouts and she angrily strides away. "Jeez. Is your friend always so sensitive?" Casey asks Jamey and Raph who both roll their eyes. Cheyenne was singing to herself while she was fixing the heater then she looks beside her feeling eyes on her to see it was Donnie. "What?" Cheyenne asks him while turning red. "Nothing, it's just your singing voice is amazing." Donnie said to her giving Cheyenne a compliment. "Thanks." Cheyenne said to him but her voice came out as a squeak making her blush even more. Sometime later, in April's Apartment that was above the store. "I'm a little nervous about these robberies. The jewelry store that was robbed is right on my block. So that's why I asked you here for a sleepover tonight." April said to them making Raph place his hand on April's shoulder. "Don't worry, April. We got you covered." Raph said to her as Jamey walks over to the window. "I feel so much better having you guys here." April said to them while Raph walks over to Jamey who slides open a window. Raph gives a thumbs-up sign to Casey, who is standing on the opposite rooftop. Casey is decked out in his hockey mask and golf bag and is holding his hockey stick.  

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