Blast From The Past

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"Mallory..." He whispered in that deep Texas accent. "Can we talk about something? Say over beers tonight?" He helped me to stand on my own two feet so I brushed my hands down my shirt getting the dust off. "Uh sure. But let's go right now."

Tossing his cowboy hat onto the dashboard of the truck I shut the passenger door he followed behind me into the bar. Most people weren't in the bar right now so I slid myself into one of the booths in the back tapping my fingers nervously on the table. "One beer for you and a beer for me. Now care to tell me why we couldn't do this in the more proper date fashion."

"I lied to you...about how I know Jenny." I mumbled playing with my thumbs just staring at the full beer bottle in front of me.

Beau sits down his beer on the table next to mine. His eyes scanning over my movements thankfully he doesn't know my little ticks like my sister. "From where I'm from in Texas it's not right to lie about stuff honey."

"That's not helpful, cowboy." I groaned, resting my chin in the palm of my hand.

He raised a brow picking up his beer while sipping a drink. "And why's that?"

There's something about him that reminds me of John Wayne. At least the flirting smile and nice accent. I shouldn't be getting involved in another relationship. Jenny found me at home bawling my eyes out when I broke up with him. I gave her full permission to judge every guy I come across and if she didn't think they were good enough then I wouldn't date them. Except this time I really really wish she approved of Beau. Jenny has and will always be protective of me. Since she is the oldest sibling. Her late husband Cody respected that of her.

"Because it makes me swoon for you even more..." I mumbled to myself thinking he didn't hear me.

But he apparently did when he leaned closer on the table. "Swoon for me. Well I'm flattered darlin'." He gives me that cheeky grin on his face where I pick up my beer downing almost half of it like it was nothing.

"Don't tell Jenny I told you this and I'll be drunk in the morning so I'll probably deny it but..." I gulped while drinking a long sip of the alcohol. Feeling the burning going down my throat. "My ex boyfriend was named John Wayne Kleinsasser and he tried to murder my sister right in front of me."

Beau reached across the table placing his hand over mine intertwining them together. "I'm sorry, Mallory. That must have been horrible-"

"That's not the only thing, Beau..." I cut him off feeling some tears slipping down my face. "I closed my heart from that day. Vowing that I would never let anyone choose my love life but my sister - I - I don't think I can do that anymore.."

Beau pulled his hand back trying to be a gentleman about this. "Mallory, I think you need to go home and get some rest."

"You still don't get it do you, Sheriff?" I scoffed knowing that alcohol makes me more emotional than normal. But I needed him to know the truth. Because I will never tell him when I was sober. "Jenny is my sister!"

Beau jerks his head around running his fingers through his hair wissiling under his breath. "Damn so that's why she's overprotective of you."

Getting to my feet I slapped down some money heading for the door hearing his boots slide across the wooden floor chasing after me. Making it outside I pushed through the door and I felt heavy rain coming down. "Mallory, wait!"

"No Beau. I shouldn't have said anything. This is just my life. I fall for the wrong guys and they act all charming at first...I'm stupid because I always choose wrong!" Dropping my arms at my sides I let myself sob until he stomped up gently grabbing my shoulders.

His green eyes pouring into mine with the rain soaking us both. "You're not stupid, Mallory. Alright look at me. You're one of the smartest-" He's cut off collapsing at my feet where I gasped seeing "Donno!"

He was carrying an ax that he clearly hit Beau over the head with. I attempted to bolt away from him but I get forcefully grabbed by the arm seeing Tonya who drew out a needle sticking it into my neck. "Beau..." I mumbled out blacking out seeing that he was starting to wake up before the two dragged my body off.

Short chapter because I didn't really know what to do for this part.

Comments really appreciated

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